Saturday, April 18, 2015

10 Apr - Half Moon Bay > Blue Channel

10 April - Half Moon Bay to Blue Channel

i started out snorkeling in Half Moon Bay, went around the outside of the bay, and followed the reef down to The Blue Channel ...

the first cool thing i saw was this large Bearded FireWorm on some Slit-Pore Sea Rod ...

he was probably 1in wide and 8-10in long  ...

a Black Grouper ... notice the much larger fish peeking out from under the coral on the left ... i think it was a Dog Tooth Snapper ...

the Orange Spotted FileFish ... 

you can even see the Orange spots  ...

a pair of Banded ButterFly Fish ... they mate for life  :)

a Blue Indigo Hamlet ... love the vibrant blue color !

a Juvenile Blue Tang ..... that is yellow  :)

i was hoping to see a Spotted Eagle Ray or a Turtle in this area during this time of day .... but i didn't have any luck ...

on the long swim back into shore i saw this Spotted TrunkFish ...

and a Buffalo TrunkFish .... i recently looked at a book that called this a "Buffalo" TrunkFish ... i had always seen it just called a Trunkfish ...

then in the distance .... i saw a small Turtle ....

it had a Remora following him around, so he was trying to 'loose' it and moving fast ..

and finally, a pretty Cushion Sea Star ... didn't see many of these this year either ... :(

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