Monday, February 22, 2016

7-18 Feb -- Life at PAW Continues

7-18  Life at PAW Continues

one 'batch' of kitties waiting for supper ... patiently   :)

Birdie ... acts like he wants you to pet him ... but then he decides he doesn't ... kind of typical for a cat ... but he bites and bites hard ... we finally had to put a sign up for him ... (Do Not Enter - Tempermental Kitty)    ....and he looks so sweet !

unfortunately, nothing more has been done to the catteries since Garreth left ... however, the 100ft roll of 4' metal arrived ... wow ... it's so heavy i cannot move it.    :(    ...this is the metal we will use to protect the interior walls from cat spraying.

the volunteer couple that had been here working in the catteries for 2months left ... a couple days later 2 new guys arrived from Germany to volunteer.   they are schedule to be here for 3 months ... and they are not cat volunteers; but 'construction-types'    YIPEEEEEEEE  :)

i've been suffering from some skin rash irritation on my face, neck, forehead, eyebrows, ... itching like crazy !   ,,, also on my arms and sides but the neck is the worst !

Stone Crabs ... and their claws.    Wilbur trapped these and was taking them to one of the nicer (more expensive) restaurants.   i talked him into giving me a couple of the smaller ones ... what a treat that was !

 ...  i like these claws because you don't have to kill the crab ... you 'just' break off one of the claws  (ouch!)  :(    ....and return it to the water and it grows another one  :)


our 2 new 'construction guy' volunteers got right to work ... they are wonderful !     ....young, but experienced and mature ...     in 2 days they installed the metal around the inside of one cattery ... exceptional job   ... no way in hell would have i been able to do what they've done!

it will keep the cat pee and spray from soaking into the wood and smelling ... and will be great for an easy cleanup !


so, not much else to report.    i've been doing a lot of projects; but not much of significance to show; except our new 4x5 Bulletin Board  ... which i orchestrated and helped install .... and ... painted red  :)

... and a map of Caye Caulker so we can show our guests where things are ...  PAW is in the middle, near the bottom ...

now i can work on lots of other info signs to put on that board    :)

the back side of the Bulletin Board faces the washing machine .... so Madi asked me to paint it red also, so it wasn't so boring for her to look at ... but just as i was about to start painting .... my hand started painting a poppy ... go figure !    Madi filled in the background with yellow the next day  ....

speaking of  'guests'  ... we only have ONE guest now ... and only a few since Feb.    one of the 'walk-ins guests' told me that when they looked at, it showed that we had no vacancy!   .... so i went to the site and tried a lot of different dates, and sure enough ... no vacancy.   Madi has been on the phone with them for over a week now trying to straighten things out.   for some reason, they 'turned her off' !      ... this is truly devastating for her and the kitties .... this is the busy season that is supposed to 'tie her over' through the slow season ... and we have NO guests !    .. i just searched again and Pause doesn't even show up  ....  :(


ok, one more cat photo ... i walked past this door the other day and saw a 'mass' of grey stripes and white bodies ... there are FOUR kitties all happily sitting in the sunny doorway together

this group of kitties will eventually be 'homed' in one of the new catteries ... they've mostly lived in this one apartment together ...  i can hardly wait !

1 comment:

  1. Donna, thanks for the blog update. We are back in Michigan for another week so it is so good to get news and views from a warm place with warm people. Hope to see you more this year than last.
