Friday, March 18, 2016

10 Mar - Another Day of Snorkeling :)

a group of 3 came to the hostel and wanted to snorkel ... and another man arrived who said he would be the fourth ... Madi was gone, so i walked to Wilbur's house and asked him if he could take them the next day. obviously he was happy to do so .... i was hoping to be able to escape to my 'retreat'  Caye; but again i was disappointed; so i asked Wilbur if i could be his 'assistant'   :)

no problems with rain today ... but it's March ... and during March and April they experience the "Easter Winds"  .... that means a lot of wind and high seas ... which is why i was not able to get out to my 'retreat'   :(

a lot of wind and high seas means that huge rolling waves were crashing and roaring over the top of the reef ... which also means the sand is being stirred up .. and visibility is poor ...

but any day in the water is better than any day out of the water ... that's my theory anyway ... and the guests didn't really know the difference. everyone enjoyed themselves ...

so what did we see ...

SpotFin Butterfly Fish ... without a visible 'spot' ...

a field of StagHorn Coral ...

Yellow Headed Wrasse  ..

the always-amazingly electric-blue juvenile YellowTail Damsel Fish ...  you have to look carefully to see his 'yellow tail' blending in with the golden coral ... he's only about 1 inch long ...

i was happy to see a couple Ocean TriggerFish ... these guys are quite large and you don't see them often ...

yes, this is Mr LoggerHead Turtle again .. the same one that was trying to eat the little BurrFish ...

Gray AngelFish  ..

a pair of Smooth TrunkFish ...

when we arrived at Shark Ray Alley, these Nurse Sharks were more than happy to see us ..

...and it was even crazier UNDER the water with the HorseEye Jacks getting into the game too ...

i love these small bright Blue Chromis with the forked tail ... they brighten up the scenery !

great detail and colors on this YellowHead Wrasse

and of course ... Blue Tang ... aka 'Dory' ...


this is another activity that i don't agree with, and is not suppose to happen any more ....  the tour guide grabs a Nurse Shark and turns it over, putting it in a 'catatonic state' ... so the tourists can touch it ...   do not touch, do not disturb   :(

.....but how many battles can i fight ?

other than that .... another great day in the water    :)

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