Friday, February 10, 2017

Alona Beach--Stress Reliever

I have STILL been attempting to organize/finalize a trip to the Island of Siquijor.   I've spent so many hours waiting for the WiFi to send and receive my emails and get responses from places to stay that i was about to scream !     i had confirmation for 6 nights and i planned on leaving the next day, with or without a place to sleep the first night.
i needed to do something to relax … even though it was late in the afternoon, and knew i would be packing wet clothes to leave the next morning … i headed for the beach.

Ahhhhh, amazing what that water and those fish do for my soul !

I've seen these a few times since i've been here... i thought some type of exotic Sea Urchin ?    i actually thought it looked like a Crown of Thorns .... and i find out now, that it is actually a Sea Star, a Crown of Thorns StarFish !    It has between 7 and 23 'arms' ... and VERY DESTRUCTIVE.      It attaches itself to the coral and sucks the life out of it.   They are having a real problem with them in Australia too.   If you try to break it apart, it will just multiply.   So they now have a syringe that they inject 'something' into it that kills it.  
At low densities it is a 'normal' part of the reef, however, when their numbers increase dramatically it results in a major disturbance to the balance.   It consumes coral much faster than the coral can grow.    There are several theories for the increase; mostly 'human' related:   --overfishing of the species that prey on the StarFish, --there is a Triton Snail that is prized for it's shell, --agricultural runoff provides nutrients into the ocean providing more food for the Starfish.    Very pretty, growing to 3 feet in diameter, i forgot to mention ... extremely VENEMOUS !

These are TwoTone DartFish … they hang out in pairs, along the sandy bottom.    i spent a lot of time diving down to try to take the photos and this is the best i could do.   

They have very large dorsel and anal fins compared to their size, and even have an extra dorsel fin  in the front.  

They are about 5 inches long and they are so pretty with their pastel coloring

This is a WireNet FileFish … strange name …. but it looks a lot like an Orange Spotted FileFish that lives in Honduras ... they must be cousins   :)      Notice, he has his ‘party’ hat on !

i was following this Cigar Wrasse, long and skinny like a cigar :)    .
..but look who is also in the photo, to the left … the White Eyed Eel …. i never saw him until i was right on top of them !

Looking around and relaxing out in the deeper water …. i see a pretty Pink JellyFish … it’s about the size of a softball …

Info on Jelly Fish:
First, they are not a fish !    They are invertebrates (animals without backbones).    Jellyfish is a common term used to describe animals that are gelatinous or made up of ‘jelly-like’ material.    They have drifted along on ocean currents for millions of years, even before dinosaurs lived on the Earth. They have tiny stinging cells in their tentacles to stun or paralyze their prey before they eat them. Inside their bell-shaped body is an opening that is its mouth. They eat and discard waste from this opening.   As jellyfish squirt water from their mouths they are propelled forward.

i followed and watched it for quite awhile … here is a video ... also can be seen on YouTube ... 

i’ve posted a photo of a Japanese SurgeonFish with a white patch on it’s jaw … this one is very similar, but with a white patch under it’s eye … but it’s called a White Cheeked SurgeonFish.    The Japanese SurgeonFish is actually prettier with brighter yellow and some red too

i was following this Cigar Wrasse … and look who is also in the photo … the White Eyed Eel …. i never saw him until i was right on top of them !

As i returned to the shallows on my way in …. i noticed all these ‘arms’ extending from underneath the rocks … what?  … has to be a type of StarFish.   Reminded me of a Reticulated StarFish that i saw in Florida ….. perhaps it’s cousin …

  Looks like these guys have 5 arms

How about another Anemone Fish aka Clown Fish.    I mentioned before, there are many different kinds of ClownFish, who knew?    This is an Orange ClownFish … there is one very similar called a Skunk ClownFish, but from what i can see from my photos, i think this is the Orange ClownFish…. anyone can debate this with me, until i find another one  :)

Here are a couple photos of a pretty DamselFish ... similar to one i posted earlier, but it has more markings and is a 'different fish' ... a Black Axil Chromis

That was a perfect way to end a stressful day ....
Now, lots of packing and organizing to do.... what do i REALLY need to take with me for a week   :)

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