Monday, January 22, 2018

Travel and Arrival

In spite of thick fog and the Detroit Airport being closed, my flight out of Kzoo to Chicago departed on time. Same as last year, American Airlines could not check my bags all the way through to Cebu Philippines. So I was prepared for this inconvenient 'FAA ruling'. When i arrived at Ohare, I quickly made my way to Cathay Pacific in Terminal 5 and they were able to ‘intercept’ my bags and route them through to Cebu Philippines so i didn’t have to drag my luggage everywhere with me in the Hong Kong Airport. :)

I celebrated with a wonderful Bloody Mary, as i breathed a sigh of relief to finally be on my way !

At 2pm I boarded for my 14+ hour flight from Chicago to Hong Kong. I watched movies, movies, a bit of sleeping, and then more movies, arriving in Hong Kong at 8pm.

I had intended to do a bit of sight-seeing in Hong Kong since my flight to Cebu Philippines didn't leave until 5pm the next day. However, i didn't do my homework properly on this one, and it was not possible, due to Immigration regulations. So i resolved myself to the fact that i was spending almost 24hrs inside the Hong Kong Airport.

This was the same flight i took last year, so i knew exactly where i was spending the night. This is an awesome place right in the airport, warm, quiet, and cozy, with padded lounging beds :)     ...and FREE !

The Hong Kong airport is huge so the next morning i discovered many many high-end expensive shops, no need to even enter to browse. You can imagine how appalled i was to find a shop with all kinds of dead dried animals for sale :(

I finally boarded my flight and arrived in Cebu Philippines, through Immigration, quick stop at the ATM, another quick stop to get a Globe Sim Card for my phone and my Philippine cell number.    It was now dark and i found my way to the 40min long taxi line.... little did i know that i could have walked straight to the front of the line and stand in the 'Senior Citizen' area and be next-in-line... lesson learned ! And from then on, i am always asking if there is a discount or special area for the Senior Citizens !

I 'blindly' booked a room at West Gorordo Hotel in Cebu City. I was pleasantly surprised, good location, very nice helpful staff and a great room.

The next morning i took the 11am Ocean Jet Ferry, about 2 hrs to Tagbilaran, Bohol and took a 30min taxi to Kevin, Nadia and Viana's in Panglao.

I was welcomed with open arms, and this sign that Viana made for me. It's so sweet, notice the fish and the black and white water snake at the bottom. She spent a lot of time with me last year looking at my photos... and she remembered .... i was 'touched' by her welcome gift.

Nadia's niece, Pat, is also staying here while she is getting her MBA; so we are one big happy family.

Let the adventure begin !

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