Saturday, March 23, 2019

Bohol to Anilao

I returned to hugs and smiles again from my family in the Philippines, when i returned from Camiguin Island.   It’s always good to be home, and these friends have become family.   I can’t express my gratitude enough for the way they have welcomed me into their lives.

We did a ‘beach’ outing one Sunday to Dumaluan Beach.   It’s only about a 10min drive up the coast.   It is a popular family place that i’ve been to a couple of times on my own to snorkel.   It was a ‘real’ family picnic like in the ‘olden days’.   Nadia made lots of food and packed everything we needed and off we went.   They have tables there that you can rent for the day.   And we got set up and ate before hitting the water.

Dumaluan is a beautiful big shallow beach.     The water in the shallows obviously was like bath water

I was supposed to teach Viana how to snorkel; but she already knew how.  She just needs some proper equipment.

The snorkeling was a disappointment for me.   I had not been there in 2 years, and all the nice coral heads, even in the deep water, were covered with algae.  And just a few small fish.   Sad.   I did take the opportunity to take a few practice shots with my camera.

This is a Fire Sea Urchin, brightly colored !

It was a fun day.

Pat and I tried to do a 2mile walk to the beach each morning at 5am... tried.   We were rewarded one morning with this beautiful sunrise.

Kevin and Nadia have bought some property and will be building a new home.   We went out to the property and met these 2 youngsters, who will be their new neighbors.

They asked for money for some bread because they were hungry.   Nadia gave them some and told them not to buy junk food with it.   They came back and showed her their bread.   Tore our hearts out when the littlest one asked Nadia if she would adopt him.   He just hung on her and hugged her.   He asked if he could please go live with her.   They had other siblings, younger and older at home.    Sad ...

My time with my Philippine family had come to and end; and it was time for me to move on to my next adventure.   I know FaceBook can be irritating, but it does provide valuable resources for me.   I am a member of a Group of ‘snorkel people’, who post photos they’ve taken, as well as questions.   Through these people i am able to discover places that i might want to visit, based on their photos.   Several times i have messaged a stranger, and asked questions; everyone is friendly and willing to share their experiences and knowledge.

In order to further fuel my new addiction, i decided to visit Anilao, several hours south of Manila.    Manila is a huge city, and as a city, i think it has the largest population in the world!     Obviously, this scares the shit out of me.   One of the reasons why i fly through Hong Kong is because i don’t even want to go through the airport there.    So this is a very ‘brave’ decision for me.    Many of you have said that i ‘amaze’ you.   Well, this decision even amazed me!    I was very apprehensive about it,  ....but come on; lots of people go there without incident.

Here is the map.   Tagbilaran at the bottom right, Manila and Anilao at the top.

There is a brand new airport in Bohol since i was there last year.   It is just 15min from Kevin and Nadia’s.   And the price for the 1.5hr flight was just $37; plus an extra $10 for my luggage.  Yes, these airlines do that too; but at least their basic starting point is much lower than in the US.    To get to Manila last year, i would have had to pay $10 for a ride to the Ferry, $17 for the Ferry to Cebu, and another $8 from the Ferry to the Cebu Airport.   Besides the money, it would have taken me a minimum of 5hrs to get to Cebu to catch a plane to Manila.   And, the flight from Cebu to Manila is the same price!   No brainer.

Although the new Airport is great for travel it has really made a ‘mess’ of the Alona Beach area.   It is noticeably more crowded, noisy, and expensive than it was last year   :(

My 8am flight left about 1/2 hr late, but the flight was without incident, and i had no flight to catch.   And soon i found myself outside the airport looking for an Grab.   Grab is like our Uber.   They even have a ‘booth’ outside the airport where you can order one, in case your app doesn’t work, which mine did not.   The Grab driver and i had some difficulty finding each other; but we persisted and i was on my way to the Bus Terminal.    Manila is a big city and he pointed out a Hotel/Casino to me, which he said is owned by Robert DeNiro.

The traffic in Manila is chaos, but in 1/2 hr i was at the 'scary' Bus Terminal, (i think all bus terminals are scary).   My driver made sure i knew which bus i was going to take.   I was standing on the step of the bus, when i was told, ‘sorry full’, … darn!    I had to wait for the next bus, which was another hour before we finally left the Terminal.   But i was on the right bus, safe, it had a/c, and i was happy to have the 2nd leg of the trip under my belt.

A couple hours later and i was in Batangas City and the bus driver was very helpful to make sure i got off at the right stop.   Now to get on a Jeepney.   I’ve talked about them before.   A gutted small bus with bench seats that hold as many people as they can get in there.   They leave when they can’t possibly get one more body in there, … plus one more  :(    Unfortunately i was one of the earlier arrivals, and i sat in the damn ‘hot box’ for over an hour before they mercifully left.   i’ve decided i’m too old for Jeepneys.  It was only about a 25min ride to my next stop in Mabini.   Honestly, i think i could have walked and gotten there faster !   (Without my bags of course).   Finally there, i get on a tricycle and go another (comfortable) 20 min to Anilao Scuba Dive Center.  What was supposed to be a 3hr journey from the airport took me over 5hrs.   I thought arriving at the airport early, 10am; was a good idea.   i guess that is the worst time to arrive and make the journey.   But at least i was there before dark ...which was my goal.

My room at Anilao Scuba Dive Center is a basic fan room.   Nothing to brag about here.   But Gina (single female owner by the way) and Oliver and Carlo were very nice; plus the first night i shared several drinks with 4 really fun ‘guys’ and made new friends.    This is the common area, dive shop, and deck overlooking the sea.

Diving Diving Diving and taking photos … that’s all i did … except review photos, eat 3meals a day, and sleep.

This Muck Diving and Macro photography is a whole new ball game.  I’ve gone from a ‘macro’ setting on my camera to the ‘microscope’ setting.    This is used for things that are so tiny, i cannot see them  :)    Again, i had a very sweet and patient Dive Guide, Carlo; who helped me try to see what he was pointing at.   Several times, i just handed him my camera so he could take the photo.

So what did i see ?

Before we went out, Carlo asked me what i wanted to see.   No guarantees of course, but he would do his best.   One of the critters on my list was an Ornate Ghost PipeFish.   As a review, PipeFish are
‘related’ to the Sea Horse, and the males carry the babies.   I know all you ladies out there like that  :)

We dropped down into the sea on our first dive, and straight up was an Ornate Ghost PipeFish.    First photo of the trip, so it’s a bit out of focus.   When we returned to the boat, one of the other divers was happy that we saw 2 of them.  What?   I didn’t see two.   But, sure enough, when i looked at my photos, there were 2 of them.   The smaller one is more red in color and located at about 7:00 in the photo.

We saw many Shrimp on Whip Coral, all with different names.   But they live on long thin spinning strands of coral that ‘whip’ back and forth with the currents.   Obviously making them difficult to see, and photograph.

Lots and lots of new Nudibranch’s.   So i will try not to repeat the ones we’ve already seen … unless it was ‘posing special’ for me.   

This is a Thuridilla carlsoni and a bit different from most Nudi’s because it was so slender.   I thought it was kind of ‘bland’ looking, until i saw the detail in the photo.   I will call it a SnakeSkin Nudibranch.

This is the always elegant Flabellina.   Some Nudi’s have all these 'certata' on their bodies, …. that they use to breathe

other Nudi's have that little ‘crown';  like this one

Another ’surprise’ when i looked closely at the photo … this is the Sexy Shrimp again.   But look at the center of the photo and you can see the little baby shrimp riding on momma’s back  :)

Speaking of Momma's carrying their babies ... This is one of the coolest things i’ve seen.   I knew that some shrimp moms carried their babies with them.   But never in my wildest dream did i think i would see this; nor really understand what good mommas shrimp are.   It’s a bit difficult to see at first.   Momma’s head is in the center of the photo, you can see one eye.   The rest is all babies… you can see all their antennae sticking out.

very cool, huh?

This was a ridiculously small Nudi, … smaller than a grain of rice

I saw this Nudi, Jorunna funebris in Dauin, but this one was very large … about 4”.    Much easier to see.   Sometimes called a Bunny, because of it's ears.  

This Nudi, Goniobrachs sp.5, although not bright colors, it was really pretty and frilly … and he ‘performed’ for me   :)     I learned that i needed to focus on Nudi rhinophores (little horns),  at least that’s how the photographers ‘judge’ if it’s a good photo or not.

But, when you do, sometimes you don’t really see the beauty of the ‘body’ … so here is another so you can see how pretty he was.

We’ve seen this Anna’s Chromodoris many times.   And i’ve mentioned before that i am always trying to see what a Nudi's mouth looks like.   So, this was a success shot !

This Blue Turquoise Crab, Pseudocryptochirus viridis, is a very small parasite.    It digs small holes in the coral where it lives during the day, at night she eats polyps or mucus of coral.

This is a Popcorn Shrimp (Periclimenes kororensis),  with a brown body and transparent claws and legs and a white head that looks like a piece of popcorn  :)    Hiding among the anemone looking just like their head

This is called a Bubble Coral Shrimp, because it lives on this nice Bubble Coral.   Another thing i was told, is to always focus on the EYES.   I got this one right  :)

and you can see it’s eggs in this photo

This is a Hairy Shrimp for obvious reasons …    But cool looking, don’t you think?   Also notice the eggs she is carrying.  I think Carlo took this photo for me, because all i could see was a tiny fuzz ball  :)

Nudi’s Sex in the City … makes it difficult to see who’s doing what to whom

This is a Chromodoris dianne, and i’m pretty happy with this photo  :)     I like that the background is not distracting.

…unlike these Coleman Shrimp, who live on this brightly colored Variable Sea Urchin, …which is very distracting; and makes them difficult to spot, photograph, and view.    But, notice the eyes :)

We were all excited that Carlo saw this Giant Frog Fish.   They are so weird looking … but you can’t resist them !   You would think that they would be easy to see looking at this photo, but they are not

Weird looking creatures, and kind of ‘creepy’ without a flash   :(

With this Macro photography, i am always looking down, trying to spot something tiny in the sand, or on a piece of coral.   On this dive I happened to look up and saw what a beautiful reef we were on !

So many colorful corals

and so many beautiful fishes

So happy i got my 'head out of the sand'  so-to-speak

A couple days it took us 40min to get to the dive site.    On those days, we did THREE dives!    After the first dive, we stop at one of the many islands here, and dropped off some of the crew to fix the lunch.   When we returned from the second dive, we had grilled fresh fish, pork, and egg plant .. and of course rice…. always rice.   We did this two other times, but the lunch was more basic; so this was a special lunch for special customers, because we were a fun group  :)

This is a Tiger Nudibranch, and if i could have seen it’s rhinopores, i would have tried to get them in focus  :(   ...but it does have kind of 'tiger-like' coloring

I like this photo of the Chromodoris willani

A Hairy Squat Lobster Crab,  who didn’t quite want to come all the way out of his hiding place.

A Candy Crab is a good name for this guy.

He also has chosen his ‘home’ well and is perfectly camouflaged.   This is what it looks like from a distance.    The Guides have special eyes to detect them.    That is someone's gloved-hand in red.

i love the intricate webbing on this Halgerda batangas Nudi … and of course the color, …orange

This is a well-loved Nudi … the Janolus

Hey, how about a FISH photo for a change!    This is a beauty … a Harlequin Sweet Lips.   Carlo pointed him out to me, and he was large enough for me to see; about 11"

I can honestly say that this photo of a Pygmy Sea Dragon was from my camera …. although it was taken by Carlo  :)    It was like a piece of thread; and maybe 1/2" long.    I could NOT see it.    All THAT long strand, including that part sticking up from it's back, is all part of it… strange looking, and so much to drag around with him !

Here is one for you Michigan fans … M Go Blue !

And this is about as much green and white as it gets, for you Sparty Fans ...

Another ridiculously tiny Nudi, and all white no less, making it even harder to find something to focus on

This is a pretty Leaf Fish …  that just stay there and swayed in the current

I’ve talked about ‘Cleaner Shrimp’ before … here is one in action, going right inside this big fish’s mouth ... that's trust

A lot of our dives were right on the flat sandy barren bottom with only a few little pieces of coral for anything to cling to.   Just a vast underwater beach.   And many times Carlo would find this tiny little creature crawling on the sand.   For the life of me I don’t know how he can find them !

So this small stand of corals really stood out like a sore thumb, …. happy i looked up to see it.

We saw several FrogFish besides the Giant FrogFish.   These were all very tiny. 

Fingers get ‘kinda gross’ after being in the water for awhile … but this shows just how small they are.

I feel sorry for them when they have such a ‘help me’ expression look on their faces.   But opening their mouths is the way that they propel themselves.   but … :(

There were 2 of them together here.

They are definitely strange-looking creatures ... but irrestible

We also saw several Octopus.

This is a Mimic Octopus

Another exciting event on my last day in Anilao.   Carlo motioned for me to come.   He was looking at a small clam shell, about the size of a plum.   It opens up and out comes this Blue Ringed Octopus.   A very special rare find.    Many divers with lots of dives have never seen one.   How he knew there was an octopus in there, i have no idea.     

So the Grand Prize Winner was the Blue Ring Octopus.   Unfortunately, I wasn’t assertive enough to bully my way in between those big cameras to get as many photos as i would have liked; but i got a few.   He was really amazingly special, the way he changed from bright blue-rings no almost no blue-rings.

i put together a short movie of my photos and video of the Blue Ringed Octopus on YouTube:

We saw several small SeaHorses, always clinging onto ‘something’ … in the middle of no-where.

I saw several Flounders, but no one was interested in them; I guess they are too ‘easy’ to photograph.   i liked to look at their eyes, both swiveling and going in different directions.

i loved this little purple crab, who seemed as interested in me, as i was in him.   i have many photos, he was so cute 

And this Zebra Crab looked darn right fierce … check out those eyes. 

Another one


I’ve decided all Crabs are basically scary-looking.   If they were larger, I’d not be getting within reach of those claws!    This is a Porcelain Crab

Another Candy Crab, maybe not so scary

There were two of these Elysia Sapsucking Slugs, now that’s not a nice name!   And their colors were so brilliant

So many different Flabellinas, this one a Red Lined Flabellina

There were two of these Marionia Nudibranchs, that look very much like a piece of coral or an anemone.

I was told this was an Anemone; but research is telling me it is a Sea Cucumber, either way .... I loved observing them feeding themselves. 

Wow ... watch how cool is this  ....on YouTube:

Here is a photo of the ‘underwater rage’, when everyone with a camera wants to get a photo   :(

While everyone else was fighting for position to photograph something, i heard a ‘thunking’ noise. Not the metal-noise that Carlo makes to get my attention.  I immediately thought of the Peacock Mantis Shrimp that punches to kill it's prey.   I started looking, … i was right !    Here it it carrying around the clam that it just punched to death.   

Yeah for me and i love their bright colors.

I took one day off from diving.   I needed to 'dry out my gills',  and go to the village to get some $$ and supplies.   I took advantage of the low tide in the morning and went for a snorkel right in front of our place.   There were a lot of these man-made structures placed for coral to grow on and to give fish protection.   This was an elaborate one.   Would have been a fun photo if i had friends with me.

I was able to get up close and personal with this juvenile BatFish, but mostly the water was too deep for my snorkeling-photo abilities

Just about the time i was ready to quit, i saw movement below.   WoW … what a beauty.   Covered in white ‘roses’.   It should have a name like White Wedding Nudibranch ….

It is a Dendrodoris tuberculosa nudibranch and moderately rare, according to the dive staff and books i looked at.     and it was huge for a Nudi, about 10” long

Here is a short video, showing how graceful it is.
Best viewed on YouTube:

This is a rare ‘find’ in the Muck Diving community.   It is a Rhinopias (named for it’s rhino-like upturned nose.

 Everyone said these are great photos  :)

I saw some very different Sea Stars here, than i’ve seen before

Carlo told me that they had an area with many Giant Clams.   I wanted to go there, but everyone else was only into the little stuff; so they had to please the majority.   But i did find a couple smaller Giant Clams.   This one was different from others i’ve seen.

An interesting Nudibranch, a Grape Doto,  that would easily be overlooked, because it looks like a small bubble coral

a couple Leopard Nudis

and another couple .... it must be Nudi Mating Season

Another dive searching for the illusive Pygmy SeaHorse.   And believe me, it is TINY, the size of a grain of rice, only thinner.    I tried and tried to see it, and finally just handed my camera to Carlo and he took this photo.   Amazing how well they mimic the coral they call their home.   They are so darn CUTE !

Carlo insisted that i try, so i tried and tried again, ...and got this much … i was happy with it even though its not in focus  

A sweet little BurrFish that was nice enough to hold still for me.   I learned early on that it wasn’t necessary for me to ‘bang on my tank’ to get every ones attention when i see something larger than a grain of rice.  Macro Divers aren’t interested in these cuties; but i’m not ‘above’ giving them some attention  :)

A pretty Flat Worm

I actually took this photo of the Pygmy Sea Dragon .... i think  :)

This bright yellow snail was easy to spot because of the color, but still so tiny to try to focus on

Someone called these Sea Fleas …they were like grains of sand ... i just laughed when Carlo pointed them out to me

then someone else said they were Sea Lady Bugs   :)

Such a frustrating story on this day… we were at the end of our 3rd dive.   And my battery was dead; if i left it off for awhile, it would turn on and i had one chance for a photo.    We came across TWO pretty yellow and brown FrogFish who were just wandering around, floating, bobbing, from place to place.   A very rare occurrence; … and me with no camera  :(     But i watch and observed, it was so awesome to witness.   I even saw one of them actually ‘fishing’ with it’s lure down into a crevasse … but sorry, no video, and only this rather confusing photo.

One of the other divers was kind enough to share his video.  You can watch it on my FaceBook page.

A Rabbit SapSucking Slug, kind of like the Sheep Nudi that i could not see in Dauin.   Still didn’t know what it was until i saw the photo and someone told me  :)

This Goby had made a home out of a glass bottle, now covered in coral.   I caught him just as he was grabbing some lunch

Someone built this cute SeaHorse out of driftwood, bamboo, and coconuts.   It was on the beach where we had one of our lunches

What an exciting 8 days and 12 dives in Anilao!   Again, i was very fortunate to have a very qualified Guide, Carlo; who was very patient with these old eyes of mine.

Now, ...time to leave the Philippines behind, and move on to Indonesia.

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