Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Bali Indonesia - Nyepi, 22 Mar 2023

I am in Bali, Indonesia, and today, 22 Mar 2023, we observe Nyepi, the Day of Silence, an annual event to mark the new year.  “The day is spent in self-contemplation, evaluating what we have done in the past and what we should do to be a better person in the future”.   EVERYTHING is closed, including the Airports!      There are to be no lights in the homes in the evenings, even the street lights will be off ! There were even 'authorities' in the streets and on our resort property, and beach,... just making sure everyone was following the rules.   When i say 'everything' is closed, that includes resturants, however, the tourist and diving resorts have special privileges.   Our restaurant is open, and we can use the pool; but are not allowed on the beach or in the streets.   It is suggested that out of respect, we stay in our rooms as much as possible, be quiet, and only have one light on in the evening.

Last night we participated in the ‘Mardi Gras before Lent’ festivities.  The main character is Ogoh Ogoh, a mythical demon and will represent the purification of the pollutants from humans.  Philosophically, civilized men are required to manage the natural resources without damaging the environment itself.   What an amazing concept !!!!   I can definitely get behind THAT effort !
Each village builds the main Ogoh Ogoh, which is on the right in this photo ... other 'lesser' Ogoh Ogoh are to the left.


This is the big guy being carried in the procession.


Every once in awhile, they raised it up and twirled it left and right ... i wasn't sure if this had a reason behind it.. it does...   "During the procession, the Ogoh Ogoh is rotated counter-clockwise three times.   Rotating the effigies represents the contact of the bodies with the spirits   It is intended to bewilder the evil spirits so that they go away and cease harming human beings.   Here is a video ... those young men must be exhausted !

Occasionally an artist or organization also builds a smaller one … notice the sign, ‘Screw it, Let’s Dive’, and the scuba-snorkel fins on it's feet.   I am in Tulamben, there is a large Scuba Diving existence here, thus the reference to 'diving'.


…and even smaller ones are built for groups of children from the village.   There was also accompanied by an ‘orchestra’, and children carrying ‘flares’  !


Even smaller children, with smaller Ogoh Ogoh, were participating with the help of their Moms. 

Here is a video of part of the parade.



Several times they took a break... i can't imagine how tired, hot, and sweaty they were !    Those little boys ... WoW ... so MUCH energy !

They carried Ogoh Ogoh up and down the street, and eventually it was torn apart and burned… taking all the ‘bad’ with it, a symbol of self-purification, …to start the new year pure. 



It was quite an event to witness.   I am in Tulamben, a small village, and everyone turned out.   I can’t imagine the crowds in the Capital City Denpasar. 

Since this is a Day of Silence, I'll work on my Blog, about my time here in Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia ... and more underwater treasures of course.

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