Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Dauin, Philippines 6-13Feb, Aivy Maes Dive Center

After the short ride on the ferry from Bohol I arrived around noon in Philippines, at Aivy Maes Dive Resort, the place where I first became addicted to muck diving. I spent three weeks here last year, there wasn’t anywhere else I wanted to go. So I return in 2024. Kim and Anamae welcomed me like family. I got set up in my bungalow that I have always been in since 2019. 


Romel, who was my dive, guide and eyes last year, is there, but has been certified as a Dive Instructor. That is good for him, better money, but does have a downside for him. Now he is instructing and certifying new Divers, but does not get to spend as much time diving. And a big downside for me in that he was not able to be my guide and eyes exclusively like last year.  I met many new guides and eyes while I was there, five to be exact.  They were good, but not the same level of attention that I got from Romel, who always called me 'Grandmother'.    I guess you can say I was spoiled. He and I went for one dive right in front of the resort on the House reef .   And we managed to see this JellyFish, but not just any JellyFish, he had a 'hitchhiker'.    Romel said that is not a fish from anywhere around there, but came in on that JellyFish from out in the Ocean.  I don't know it's 'fate'  

Ornate Ghost PipeFish, that looks very similar to the coral it hangs out around.

these are also Ghost PipeFish, that look just like a dead leaf swaying in the water.


this is another PipeFish ... very different from the others

and this Elegant Crinoid Squat Lobster, again mimicking it's host... can you see it ? 

it looks like this


The next couple of days, I was with other guides and several other divers. What that means is I had to share. But we did manage to see many interesting critters. 

But we did manage to see many interesting critters.   Above are Flamboyant CuttleFish eggs, laid in an old coconut shell.   Everyone is excited to see when they will hatch


and the Flamboyant Cuddle Fish itself. It’s still amazes me that the guides are able to find these tiny critters running along the sand in a vast ocean. It is literally like finding a needle in a haystack. But somehow it happens.

we also saw one that was VERY tiny .. my finger for comparison



Check out the video  .... and watch the one on the right, at about 7sec.    He sticks his 'tongue' out slowly, and quickly snatches some food.

This is another CuttleFish .. a BroadClub CuttleFish .. that loves to change it's colors before your very eyes.

We saw several FrogFish ... this one not so pretty

but the most exciting was that i actually saw a FrogFish 'fishing'.   That is the lure on the left, and is mouth wide open.   They are capable of 'sucking in' prey that is larger than themselves ... somehow ?

another FrogFish


I spent a lot of time watching this 'family' of Skeleton Shrimp.  

I call them a 'family' because as you can see in this video ... it looks like they are 'fighting'

The rest of our 'group' arrived in a few days, and they understood the charm of Aivy Maes and why i like it so much.    Shari, Butch, and Sylvia. and they understood the charm of Aivy Maes and why I like it so much.   Shari, Butch, and Sylvia ...

It is very relaxing and calm. Most of the other Dive Resort have lots of people, are very busy, and noisy. Aivy Maes is small and relaxing.   It was really very very busy time of year because of Chinese new year.  All of the resorts were fully booked and there were not enough dive guides to go around.  Kim really had to work hard to find someone to take us all on a Muck Dive. But she was successful, and the next day she was able to find a boat, Captain, and crew, and Romel was even able to join us.  I don’t think I converted any of my friends into Muck Diving Addicts, but they did get to experience it, and saw a lot of critters that they enjoyed seeing and photographing.

It is very relaxing and calm... Most of the other Dive Resorts have lots of people, and are very busy and noisy.   Aivy Maes is small and relaxing.

It was really very very busy time of the year because of Chinese New Year.   All the resorts were fully booked and there were not enough Dive Guides to go around.   Kim really had to work hard to find someone to take us all on a Muck Dive.   But she was successful, and the next day she was able to find a boat, Captain, and crew, and Romel was even able to join us.   I don't think I converted any of my friends of Muck Diving Addicts, but they did get to experience it and saw a lot of critters that they enjoyed seeing and photographing.

We saw several SeaHorses

and almost all of them had a pregnant belly

in so many different colors

There were many Nemo's around, and i was able to photograph these eggs...  you can see their eyes.  Sylvia and Shari were trying to photograph the eggs and were both bitten by Nemo.   They were attacking my camera, but missed my fingers.   They were just protecting their eggs.

I love the Bubble Coral Squat Lobsters

a close-up of their face

This is another Spotted Porcelain Crab, with different arrangement of spots than others i've seen... probably a brother from a different mother.

I AM improving on my 'spotting' skills.   I am now able to identify 'where' they might live.  I saw this Xena Crab, on a Whip Coral .. not very pretty, but difficult to see.. and difficult to photograph


AND, at the end of the dive as we were 'going up' .. i saw something that i've only seen a photo of ... it is a Mushroom Coral Shrimp .. or some call it a Popcorn Shrimp.   It was hiding deep in the coral and the coral was swaying back and forth in front of it, and i knew they were waiting for me... but, i got this one.  He was only 4mm ... cute, don't you think ?

I know where Shaun the Sheep live and can find them ... the love-able little critters

This one of my favorite Sea Hares, Elysia

I've seen many many Anemone Shrimp in my travels, and saw one this year with eggs (in the tail) .. these had their eggs ... on their head ?    at least that's what it looks like to me  ?   weird !

a close-up shows they are definitely eggs  ...

We did go out to dinner and found a 'favorite' restaurant ... actually MY favorite restaurant, The Dive Cafe, and i was happy that they liked it too.   They had GREAT food: everything anyone tried was awesome. 

They left for Manila a day ahead of me.    I stayed behind for one more day of diving.   I was hoping with Romel, but again he had to teach.   The Guide they sent me with was good, but not really a spotter.   I was also with two girls, one of whom 'sucked' a lot of air.   That meant that it was a very short dive.   The next dive had an incredibly strong current.   I am not a fan of currents.  It is exhausting to move and impossible to photograph, since all of the elements are moving.   I was disappointed that this was my last day of diving, and did not end on a 'perfect' note.   However, every day of diving underwater with critters is better than any day above the water.   So i was thankful for one last day before I rejoined the group and we started the land portion of our adventure.  

and we did see a new Nudi, Nembrotha sp?   Unfortunately, I didn't have an assistant to move that piece of grass from my photo. 

And, it did end on a GREAT note.   As i said, i am getting better at 'spotting' ... and I, me, Donna, found a Hairy FrogFish, which is quite elusive.   Whoop Whoop

And, it did end on a GREAT note.   As i said, i am getting better at 'spotting' ... I, me, Donna, found a Hairy FrogFish, which is quite elusive.  Whoop Whoop


A short flight to Manila the next morning.   I spent another night at my friendly Innsite Room Rentals.   The women here are so friendly and helpful and the room is all that i need.  This is the 'entrance' area.  


I went out on the streets again, this time making sure that i knew how to get back to my 'home'   You might understand how a 'tourist' might get lost ... 11th Street and the cross street is 12th Street ???  ...notice the sign ...


This time I took a video of the streets of this old US airbase community where I have spent 3 nights.  Narrow streets full of children, dogs, cats, chickens, birds ... etc.


And a few streets over where you will find everything you could possibly need.   You just may have to look awhile before you find it.    

I have used the same taxi driver, Resty Morales 4 times, and I was confident that he would pick me up at 2AM to take me to the airport to join my friends for a 5AM flight to Hanoi, VietNam.   At the beginning of this Blog I promised you something 'different'.   So stay tuned for a totally new adventure for me.   I have no idea what to expect for the next 2 months.    That is a true adventure.

I have used the same taxi. Resty Morales, driver four times, and I was confident that he would pick me up at 2 AM to take me to the airport to join my friends for a 5 AM flight to Hanoi.   Stay tuned for a totally new adventure for me.  I have no idea what to expect for the next two months.  That is a true adventure.  



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