Sunday, May 4, 2014

24 Apr, Thurs


kind of a hazy morning ... but not raining .... off i went to Sea Grape to dive with Suzanne .... they got my equipment all set up for me ... very nice people there  :)       ....the sun came out and it was a great day to dive ...

on our dive, there was a couple from Montreal with their 11? yr old son .... who was very disrespectful of the sea and it's inhabitants .... the first turtle we saw, he splashed and chased, and then caught up to and grabbed him, ... i was shocked!    ... i grabbed his fin and let him know that was not acceptable .... the second turtle he scared away before anyone had a chance to see it ... the third turtle he chased and touched again ... this time the Dive Master saw him, and let him know he should not do that ....

it was so aggravating ... i had a conversation with his Mom, who said that she keeps telling him ....  but the second dive he wasn't any better, fortunately he couldn't get close enough to touch the turtle ... although he did touch a Flamingo Tongue !    grrrrrrrrrrrr   ...the father was almost as bad ... he rushed into everything we saw and then chased after it too....  :(

this is one of the turtles the kid chased  ... the poor turtle finally 'hunkered' down here as if to say 'leave me alone' ...

Blue Chromis

Banded ButterFly Fish over Wall

Creole Wrasse in the Blue

Corals at Melissa's Reef

we saw 5 turtles in total today! ....however, some of them very briefly .. and from a distance :(
Another Turtle

YellowMouth Grouper ?

Grouper?  Coney?  Red Hind?

after the first dive, we went back to the Dive Shop and had some watermelon ... it is necessary to stay out of the water for a period of time before you can do the second dive ...

the next dive was at Shallow Sea Quest ... i really liked this Dive Site ... lots of pretty white sand, which makes things brighter, with small reefs all around ...
Shallow Sea Quest Dive Site

Corals at Shallow Sea Quest

Vase Sponge


Suzanne took some photos of me ....

that's me with the white fins ...
me over the HogFish

me in the blue and white fins
Diver Donna

we also saw a Southern Sting Ray and Queen TriggerFish ... both off in the distance :( ...i was excited to see the Queen TriggerFish, even if not up close enough to share with you :(

we saw one turtle on this dive .... are you wondering what those 'yellow things' are protruding from the back of the turtle ?     ... it kind of looks like they are some type of 'power jets' that the turtle uses to flee menacing children  :)

they are actually fishes called Remora ... sometimes referred to as 'sharksuckers' because they also attach themselves to sharks .... as well as turtles, and the Eagle Ray had one too .... and sometimes they try to attach to divers ... i don't think i would like that!
Turtle w/Remoras

three of them are chasing this poor turtle  :(    ...they don't swim very well, so they like to hitchhike, as well as get little pieces of food that the other animal may miss ...
Turtle being chased by Remoras

at the end of the Dive we go to 15feet and do a 3minute Safety Stop ... we saw this Porcupine Fish while we were waiting ....
Porcupine Fish

when i got home, i was tired ... it is amazing to me that diving takes a lot out of you ... it would appear that you are just drifting along effortlessly ... but that's not really the case ... i guess you actually burn a lot of calories diving .... sooooooo, i took a nap ... :)

then went down to SunDowners for a Monkey LaLa and probably my final SunSet ...
SunSet from SunDowners

i never get tired of watching the sun go down    :)
SunSet from SunDowners Bar

i met up with Suzanne at Pepperoni's and we split a pizza ... then to Rotisserie Chicken for a Brownie Ice Cream dessert  .... only because they were out of Coconut Cream Pie and Rum Cake... my first 2 choices  :(

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