Monday, April 28, 2014

23 Apr, Wed


this morning i picked these up off the ground in the yard where i am living at Casa del Sol  :)
i love Mangos !!!!!!!!!!
Fresh Picked Mangos

i had told Christi at RMP that since it was my last week, i was 'turning in my whistle'   :)   ... but, since there were several Cruise Ships with 11,000+ people on Wed, that i wouldn't mind doing Beach Patrol ... i guess i really do enjoy interacting with people and the feeling that i can make a tiny bit of difference ....
so Oscar took me to West Bay ... i'm going to miss this beautiful beach and turquoise water...
West Bay Beach

it was a good day ... i talked to a lot of people.... in the water i made a point to also talk to the 'respectful' snorkelers who were standing on the sand ... thanking them, and asking for their help ....

i took a few fish photos along the way ...
Four-Eye ButterFly Fish

SharpNose PufferFish

SpotFin ButterFly Fish

Queen ParrotFish

this is a new Anemone for me ....
Branching Anemone

Queen AngelFish

would you believe me if i told you this was a YellowTail ParrotFish ..... (pretty obvious, i'd say)

until a couple days ago, i'd never heard of, nor seen, this fish .... now i am seeing another one today ... strange: sometimes you don't notice something (if it's small, or uncolorful) until it's familiar to you ....
you can see his 'banded tail' in this photo ...
BandTail PufferFish

Four-Eye ButterFly Fish

and these SharpNose PufferFish have been familiar to me for several years, but i've never seen them in the quantity that i've been seeing them the last couple of weeks ... it must be mating season for them ... ?
SharpNose PufferFish

i saw the Huge Rainbow ParrotFish eating in the shallows, over top of the reef ...
Rainbow ParrotFish

he was so big and it was so shallow, that his fins were breaking the surface of the water ...
Rainbow ParrotFish - fin breaking surface of water

i was able to show him to a lot of snorkelers, who were very impressed :)
... i love how you can see a reverse reflection of the fish and coral in the surface of the water ABOVE him !!!!!!
Rainbow ParrotFish

awesome !  ..... he was very close, and there was a shot i wanted of him... with that huge mouth .... i waited for a long time, to get this shot ...........
Rainbow ParrotFish - big smile

this is me and Oscar, nice guy !
Oscar and I with the Patrol Boat  :)

when i got back to West End, i walked up to Sea Grape Resort to talk to them about going diving tomorrow with Suzanne .... now i am committed to do 2 dives :)

Suzanne and i went to the Thai Place for dinner ... they have a few tables right out on their dock over the water ....
Dinner on the Dock at The Thai Place

it's lovely out there, still some color in the sky, and they really do have wonderful food ... i'm happy  :)
Dinner on the Dock

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