Saturday, February 9, 2019

Dauin Arrival

Map for my trip from Tagbilaran to Dauin

The Ocean Jet Ferry left at 7:30a.   I had my ticket, so i checked in, got a terminal pass, and needed to check my bag.   there is one thing that irritates me about traveling, as a white blonde tourist.    it goes like this:    i checked my bag and the guy showed me his calculator with ‘100’ on it.   that’s an easy way to tell you how much you owe.   i got suckered into this before and i was ready.   i just shook my head disgustedly, and said ‘no’.   he takes the calculator and shows me ’50’.   i replied the same.   he said ‘how much you pay’.   i said ’10’, he said ok.   WTF !   100pesos is $2, so it’s not about the money, it’s the principle.   although over time, it would be about the money.
It was an easy boat ride:  i had the first seat, it wasn’t freezing in there, and arrived on time.   I texted the resort before i left to ask for transport prices.   from the pier i took a tricycle for 100pesos ($2) into town to catch a 40pesos (less than 50cents) Easy Ride.    This is a broken down mini van, gutted with bench seats for 14 passengers, comfortably, although there could be more, plus chickens and who knows what else  :)    it is the way the locals travel, and it gets you there in about a half hour.   i was the last one left at the end of the route in Dauin, and he took me right to the door of Aivy Maes Paradise Dive Resort, a bonus!

I mentioned that i was meeting Phil here.   he did the leg-work on this resort and it was perfect.   they use the term ‘resort’ loosely; it’s not what Americans think of as a resort.   But this is a really nice place, right on the water, with a very happy helpful staff.

this is my bungalow, i prefer my own bathroom/shower; but those rooms are quite a bit more expensive, and not available.  these shared bathroom/shower facilities, turned out to be fine.  it was clean and the people using it were courteous.  They also had a shared kitchen, well-equipped and clean… although i don’t cook  :)   Free coffee, tea, pastries in the morning, and free water.  i appreciate that!

i met a cat or 2 on my way to the bathroom, and of course, gave them some love.   when i returned to my room … this is what i found:
one cat in my room at the foot of my bed .. made me happy !

and another one on my porch, this one is pregnant  :(

My porch, complete with 2 hammocks.   Notice the sea is right there  :)

There is also a very nice ‘common area’ right on the beach

i got my room set up and went for a snorkel.   i don’t know why this place has never shown up on my ‘radar’ for shore-snorkeling,  because it is very nice !    there are no weeds, nor algae, lots of small coral patches, and very large ones, ….. and it’s a Marine Sanctuary.   So there are lots of fishes !    i was still trying to figure out my camera; but these are ok.

Emperor AngelFish, this one was smaller than i usually see them, but oh so colorful and bright !

Brush Tail Tang ... they always have a smile on their face

These Striped SurgeonFish were dashing in and out of the coral everywhere.  

they are different color, depending upon how the light hits them

this is an Orange-Spined SurgeonFish.   it has a beautiful face, but i wanted you to see the Orange Spines.  SurgeonFish are aptly named.  They have razor-sharp protrusions/spines on each side of their tail.   These spines, ...are not for show !    no, they are not aggressive !

a Mimic SurgeonFish, 'Mimic', probably because he does not have any 'spines'

A ‘herd’ of BlueSpined UnicornFish swept by me.  I was so impressed at how ‘clean’ the floor of the sea is this close to shore.    it looks like someone just vacuumed it…. nice ! 

a top-down view of the beautiful corals, with always colorful brightly painted ParrotFishes.

This is an Orange-Lined TriggerFish, appropriately named

with lots of detail around his mouth

this is a BIG guy, a Titan TriggerFish.   Known to be rather aggressive if defending his territory.   He was rutting through the rubble looking for a snack, so i figured i was safe.

There are so many Sea Stars at Alona Beach, but i've only seen 2 here, and they are different. Not nearly as pretty !

I've seen quite a few LionFish, but not the same ones that are invading the Caribbean.   These are Zebra LionFish, i think.

This one was a baby i found under a log in the water.

I was swimming 10feet over the top of this guy; but he wanted me to know that he saw me.   This is their  'stay away from me'  pose.

i got out of the water, because i was cold, the water is at 26C, that's 78.8F  :(    there were 3 ‘older’ local guys finishing up after their dives.   they were trying to help me with my camera; but they just confused me further.

i introduced myself to the Dive Master and Dive Instructor and told them i wanted to do some diving:   Zig and Gin … nice guys, and i scheduled for the next day.

Phil arrived, he has the same camera as i do, and takes great photos.   he said he just used his camera ‘out of the box’.   i had been reading the manual and playing around with the settings, probably my problem.   so, i did a ‘reset’ on my camera and am going to try it out on our dive tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. These photos are awesome Donna. It gives the rest of us a feel for something we will probably never see in person and in the wild. Thanks! Beautiful fish and I love the shots of your resort. Nice place. Clean and simple.
