Monday, February 4, 2019

Philippines 2019

So it Begins

With a delayed decision finally made, I’ve arrived in the Philippines. It seems like it took longer to get here, but possibly the reason is that the older i get the more taxing it is, (one of the reasons that i have decided to come back here again) Of course, friends, sunshine, warmth, and call of the islands with such a variety of marine life, were a consideration as well.
As a review, it went like this:
21 Jan    depart Kzoo    11:30a
          arrive Chicago 11:30a
          depart Chicago  2:00p
There was a bit of anxiety in Chicago because the airline wanted to see my ticket leaving the Philippines before my 30day visa expired. i know this is a requirement, but i have never been asked for proof before. It’s a long story, and i was sweating it for awhile; but my ‘proof’ was given the ‘ok’.
15 1/2 hr flight, many movies, 2 borderline meals, a couple glasses of wine, snacks, and some napping.

22 Jan       arrive Hong Kong    8pm
I know a secret little free ‘lounge’ area at the airport, so i slept quite comfortably. the next day walking around the airport, was boring.

23 Jan       depart Hong Kong   4pm
             arrive Cebu, Phil  7pm
Lots on my mind upon arriving:
---I was concerned that i may be asked for my ‘proof’ of leaving again, but happily no one asked.
—I wanted to get a 60day visa instead of just 30. The Immigration lady was very helpful. I needed to pay $60 but it had to be Philippine Pesos, which i did not have. There was an ATM, but it was outside the airport. So i walked away from my Passport (always worrisome), and was escorted outside to the ATM, returned through security with my escort, and got my visa. Actually it was quite simple, and i don’t have to worry about getting it renewed later.
—I needed to get a sim card for my phone
—I needed to guy a bottle of wine for Kevin
—I needed to find the White (cheaper) taxi to my hotel
—The airport is new. Really nice, but everything was different
—I finally picked up my bag from the carousel and headed for the taxi.

As a review for some, here is a map showing Hong Kong to Cebu

30min taxi ride, and i arrived at my hotel West Gorordo, i stayed here last year. They are very environmentally-friendly, which i like, so i booked again. In my room, now 8:30pm, i realized i had not picked up my ‘other’ bag from the baggage carousel. This is an ‘extra' bag, that contained all the ‘goodies’ i brought for Kevin and Nadia. I am used to retrieving only one bag; and it never entered my tired-cluttered mind. Another hour on the phone trying to find the right person at the airport. Yes, they had my bag, but they were closed and i could pick it up after 9am tomorrow. That was fine, i had no energy left. I was hoping to take the 9am ferry to Tagbilaran, but i can be flexible.   I slept well in a real bed after a hot shower.

In the morning, a 30min taxi ride to return to the Cebu airport.   another 30min with a bitchy security guard that couldn’t be bothered to change the bland expression on her face, nor tell me what i needed to do to get my bag; again, walking way with my Passport.   Finally retrieved my bag.

30min taxi ride back to the Ocean Jet fast ferry terminal to catch the 10:40 ferry.   2hrs later, i arrived in Tagbilaran and took a 45min tricycle ride to Kevin’s. A ‘tricycle’ is a preferred mode of transportation here. It is a motorbike, with a side-car attached for a passenger, or 2 or 3; actually quite comfortable as long as you are the only passenger, and there isn’t sideways rain. Lucky for me it was only drizzling.

I spent a week+ with my friends Kevin and Nadia, their 8yr old daughter, Viana, and Nadia’s neice Pat, who is working on her Masters Degree. We’re in Panglao, on the island of Bohol. you can see it on the map above.

They are so gracious to welcome me to their home. This note was on the door when i arrived.

I feel really at home here, they are all so welcoming. We had dinner parties and went to parties. They really put on a ‘spread’ here, no matter how small the crowd. There is always so much food, which takes hours to prepare. We worked for 2 days on the food for their party. Chopping veggies to precision, they had to be cut in different sizes and shapes for each different dish; some cubed, large and small, some in strips, some round. We made Spring Rolls, carefully separating the cassava wrappers (cassava is a root plant like potatoes), which were thinner than paper and tore very easily :( …. then stuffing and wrapping each one. We also made Empenadas with a tumeric-spiced dough, which of course was made by hand. then rolled out and cut precisely in circles before being stuffed with a meat mixture, folded, pinched, and crimped with a fork. They were beautiful ! There was so much food, ...for 6 people. Of course, it ended up being 12 people, with unexpected but warmly-welcomed guests.

We went to a birthday party for a friend. They had a 5 piece band hired ! And, we were the only guests ! Again, so much food prepared. a beef stew, a pork adobe (my new favorite), 2 german potato salads, one with home-made mayonnaise, pancit (a rice noodle chicken/veggie dish), spaghetti w/awesome meat sauce, octopus ceviche, sushi, whole fish with a rich veggie sauce, and some other dishes. The band was awesome and played music that i knew :) The guy lead singer sang so effortlessly, it was amazing.

On a last minute decision, we went out for pizza. That was a disaster. Our regular pizza places had closed down, so we walked and walked, finally ending up at a place close to home which advertised pizza. they had ONE 10” pizza, they said i could have it since i was dying for pizza …and as would be expected, it was the WORST pizza i’ve ever had.

Also, i got my annual 'cold after traveling’, which came earlier than usual. Only 2 days after i arrived. With a cold, there is no scuba diving, which i had hoped to do. I was able to snorkel 3 times. Pat started snorkeling last year and she really enjoys it, so it was fun to have someone to snorkel with. She took me to a new place which was really nice. The 2 of us rode with a motorcycle driver (Habal-Habal). Yes, that is 3 people on a motorcycle, with our snorkel gear for 20min one way. He was a very good driver thankfully.

How about photos you may be asking. I bought a new camera, an Olympus Tough TG5, an upgrade from my TG3. I also splurged and bought an underwater housing so i could take it diving with me. (which is why i was so anxious to go diving). I am still trying to figure it out. I assumed (incorrectly) that it would operate like my TG3; but i was wrong. 3 snorkeling events, and i obviously don’t have it figured out yet. Everyone that has it, loves it; so i am hoping i will learn the proper settings.

I can share a few photos with you, but i am not proud of any of them.
Actually, it's pretty hard to go wrong with a 'Nemo'

There are always lots of pretty Sea Stars

a practice shot using my new camera's Macro (close-up) function

another type of Sea Star

after last year's several encounters with Jelly Fish  :(     ....i chose to keep my distance while taking this photo

Alona Beach, with it's many many tour boats.   Pat and i have been getting up at 5am (her idea) and walking down to the beach, back and forth.   working on our 10,000 steps a day.  some days more !

the snorkel place Pat took me to had lots of pretty little reef fishes

i'll finish with more 'Nemos'.   Nemos are actually Anemone Fishes; and they are called that because they are found living in Anemones.    there are several different ones,  this one is actually called  a Tomato Anemone Fish. 

2 February finds me now on a 2hour ferry from Tagbilaran, heading for another island:  Negros.    we will arrive in Dumaguete and then i’ll find my way south about a half hour to Dauin.

I was in Dumaguete 2 years ago to get my visa renewed and to visit Apo Island, a short boat-ride to the east.     This time i am going to meet up with a friend that i met last year diving in S.Leyte.   Phil is from Alaska, and has returned to the Philippines too; so we’re meeting here to do some Muck Diving.  i can explain that in more detail when i experience it first-hand.


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