Monday, April 15, 2013

My Last Day--REALLY - Mon, 1 Apr

REALLY ... My Last Day

what do you want to do on your last day on an Enchanted group of islands ? do you end an adventure like this?    ...what is left to do?    i considered taking a day tour to another island ... but .... i decided against it ....

i walked the Malecon and visited a couple of shops and ran into a couple of the girls from the Cruise.    we agreed to meet for drinks at the Red Mango Resort at 6pm.

i stopped into Sope Dive Shop and thanked them for their friendship and fun dives.

did a little packing, and i honestly don't know what i did the rest of the day .... but i met the girls, Claire on the left and Sarah in the middle, and another couple, Rico and Idnna, at 6pm at the Red Mango Resort ...  

we had '2 for 1' wonderful fresh Mora (invasive black raspberry)  Martini's ...
out by the water ... strange enough, there really are no other restaurants on the water in Santa Cruz ...

i really wanted a 'nice' meal for my last night, so we went to Il Giardino, a nice restaurant ... i had Almond Crusted Tuna AND a glass of wine ... it was a perfect going away dinner  :)

and that was that ... my last day ... and my last night ....

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