Monday, April 15, 2013

Getting Home - Tues, 2 Apr

A Long Trip Home ...

Claire and i were on the same 11:30am flight into Guayaquil, so we took the taxi and ferry to the airport at 7am ... and spent a couple hours together in the airport in Guayaquil, until she left for her flight.

my flight left at 10pm ... luckily they had free WiFi, so i was entertained...

flew into Quito, Ecuador around Midnight, and left around 1am arriving Miami at 5am.... i slept pretty well on the plane ...

Miami is the most unorganized and unfriendly airport i've had the pleasure of passing through in a long time.    it's beautiful, they spent a lot of money on decor that they should have spent on designing the airport and on training their employees, IMO....

i had a 7am flight to Atlanta, then into Chicago.    i had tried on several occasions to get a direct flight from Miami to Chicago to no avail; and i tried again in Miami.

we boarded the 7am flight, only to 'de-plane' because of mechanical difficulties.   i went to the desk and told them i really did not NEED to go to Atlanta, and could they put me on a flight into Chicago ...... well ... no because my luggage was already on the plane.   

when the arrival time into Atlanta was announced, i went to the desk again, explaining that now i would not make my connection into Chicago .... a different VERY nice efficient woman immediately booked me directly into Chicago ... no problem ... and i would have no problem making my Kzoo connection.

my wonderful Sister picked me up at the airport and i was home before 5pm on 3 April ...

...end of 2013 Galapagos Adventure ... i hope you all enjoyed my Blog ... i really did enjoy doing it ....

here is a map of the Islands ... showing the destinations i experienced, ... (and some that i did not) ..... WoW ... looking at the eastern most Island of San Cristobal where i arrived on 15 January ... seems like a long long time ago ....

i saw, heard, smelled, felt, and experienced a lot on this Adventure ... never to be forgotten

thank you all for your support !

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