Sunday, January 18, 2015

12 Jan - 'Lobster Pull' Tour

12 January - 'Lobster Pull' Tour

so you might be wondering ... 'are you having any fun?'  ... actually i really do enjoy fixing things, it is very stimulating, challenging, and rewarding !  

but, for what you might think of as 'fun' ...

around 7am Wilbur, Madi's brother, was preparing his boat to take some customers on a "Lobster Pull" tour that he offers.   he asked me if i wanted to come along.   i felt like i had not 'earned' a day off yet, but decided to go anyway  :)   ...   There were 4 girls from Argentina, only one spoke some English, 3 had never snorkeled before.   It was a fun day.

I helped Wilbur load the boat and we took off at 9am off the back side of the island where he pulled up a lobster trap and released 8-10 small baby lobsters.    explaining how they an get in, but can't get out.    we went a bit further and he gave instruction on snorkeling, fitted equipment, and they jumped in the water.   Wilbur forgot his fins   :(   ...  so he used mine, and i stayed in the boat and took photos of the girls.  he was spearing LionFish for our dinner.... he needed the fins!

i know i've told the 'story' about the LionFish before, so i won't go into detail again.   if anyone wants more info on the LionFish Envasion, email me  :)

After a 1/2 hr or so, we went to another snorkel site, and Wilbur continued to spear fish.... a Grey Snapper, a Red Grouper (which i have never seen), and an Atlantic SpadeFish (which i have never tasted).    i tried to snorkel without fins, but it isn't so easy for me, and almost impossible to dive down and take any photos.   eventually i got to use the fins and we traded back and forth.

Wilbur and the girls on the boat, with Frigate Birds flying overhead ... beautiful day!

here is some of the marine life we saw

Cushion Sea Star 


Atlantic SpadeFish


Grey AngelFish

Juvenile Gray AngelFish

Spanish HogFish and many French Grunts

Wilbur cutting the venomous fins off the LionFish... very carefully... just touching the tips of these fins is extremely painful and could be fatal  :(

The Red Grouper ...

We went for a ride around another group of small islands...

...fed a Pelican large fish remains and watched him work it down his throat ...

...also fed the Frigate Birds and watched them catch the fish in mid-air ... they are known as 'pirate birds' because they are famous for stealing other birds food mid-air.

Then we went to Wilbur's Secret Lobster Spot, and he loaded the bucket with 12 lobsters!

...and we headed for our Dinner spot, where we had dropped off the grill in the morning ... and it was still there ... :)

i started cutting up veggies and Wilbur prepared the fish and cleaned the lobster; leaving 6 whole and, 6 tails, and then seasoned them and put them on the grill

we each had a lobster tail for an appetizer  .... this is 'living large'  :)

then we had wonderful veggies, fish fillets, lobster, and a roll ... with a sampling of LionFish to end the meal !

we ended the day with a beautiful Belizean SunSet

now, that was fun  !   
...i think i did a good job and hope i will be invited to assist again  :)

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