Friday, January 23, 2015

17 Jan - The Blue Hole--Part 2

17 Jan - The Blue Hole--Part 2

after the second dive, we went to this beautiful little piece of paradise called Half Moon Caye

the minute i saw it, i knew i wanted to spend some time here

we had a lunch of great tasting chicken, rice and beans (of course), macaroni salad, and fruits.   it is a beautiful little island surrounded by shallow clear turquoise waters with 'patch reefs' and reminded me of my time at Glovers.   i loved it there ... i want to return and stay a few days!

after lunch we walked around a bit and through a palm covered path and saw very large Hermit Crabs, this one eating what was left of a coconut

and Iguanas basking in the filtered sunlight

up a hill to see the Red Footed Boobie colony.   I had thought that the only Red Footed Boobie colony was at the one i saw in the Galapagos; but i was wrong.   they are here too !    ...sitting on their eggs ...

the Frigit Birds are also mating and nesting here (also saw this in the Galapagos). 

although in the Galapagos you were able to walk right up to them; here, we were up on a platform looking at them in the tops of trees ...

after lunch we got back in the boat, and i said goodbye for now to my little island paradise ...

we did our 3rd dive at The Aquarium, which as you might imagine, had lots of fish ...

Gray AngelFish

Spanish HogFish 

YellowTail Snapper

i was excited to see a SCHOOL of Ocean TriggerFish.   i love these fishes, and the way that their top and bottom fins move in opposite directions when they swim

they are quite large and i've only ever seen one of them at a time.   i was amazed to see so many of them!

we also saw a Green Moray Eel swimming freely about the corals, and a Spotted Eagle Ray; neither of which i could get a good photo of  :(

the seas had calmed down quite a bit on the way home, so it was a really smooth ride... we had some rum punch and napped along the way ... returning home to a perfect day  :)

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