Monday, February 23, 2015

10 Feb--Day 4 Half Moon Caye

10 Feb--Day 4 Half Moon Caye

i woke up to 'howling' winds ... it sounded like a hurricane ... as calm as it was yesterday .... this took me by surprise.   i have wooden shutters on my windows, and the whistling that came through them was scary .... but when i looked outside, it was windy, but not as windy as it sounded, and it was sunny  :)

i went to 6:30 Yoga again  ... nice people ....  since it was so windy,there were 'white-caps' on the waves ... and it looked like the tide was out ... i decided to take a walk around the island .... i wanted to know how long it would take me ... so, you'll get a tour of the perimeter of the island ...

here is a good photo of it from the air .... i started at about "3 o'clock" ,,,

i started here at the hammocks at Island Expeditions at about 9am

it was a rough very slow walk, over old broken pieces of coral ... i had to plan my steps, i didn't want a twisted or broken ankle ...   this is not a black and white photo ... just an old Brain Coral, proof that at one time, this island was underwater ...

after 15min i arrived at the West Beach ... my favorite snorkel spot  :)

i walked through the trees and down the path

and passed Octopus Garden snorkel spot

and arrived at our Dock at 9:37

this is the far East end of the island ... kinda barren out here ...

this is the old LightHouse (part of it in the water) ... the sand in this area was really deep and i sunk into the sand up to my ankles .... again ... very slow walking  :)

and back at the hammocks at 10:00

   .... that's an hour ... i asked one of the guys how long it took ... he said 25min ..... he must have walked the length of the island, on the path ... or else he can fly  :)

a little bit of lunch then off to snorkel in the not-so-rough lagoon ....and i started way down by the hammocks ...  i kinda passed through this part rather quickly, i saw ParrotFish

and a few Banded ButterFly Fish ...

i had a plan to go through the channel and around to the front side of the island ... but by the time i got to the channel i was starting to get cold, and the current was really strong ... it was shallow and i was pulling myself along using the rocks on the bottom  ....

i ran into thousands of little tiny fishes ... everywhere ...

then, i was cold and decided to call it quits ... it was a a 'cold'  (i realize that is a relative term)   walk back into the wind   ....

in the evening i went to watch the SunSet again ... with a camera  :)

and watched it MELT into the water over Long Caye...

there were a type of morning glory ... kind of like our Moon Flowers, that open at night ...

pretty, but they were not fragrant   :(

when i got back to the 'camp' .... Pablo and Todd were cleaning fish and had some visitors ...  Nurse Sharks looking for a free meal ... and they got one  ...

Annette, the 'chef' for Island Expeditions caught me this afternoon and invited me to dinner since it was that group's last night .... she insisted ....  :)

they had the tables decorated very nice  ... using coconuts for vases ... the food was delicious and we had some 'drumming' and 'dancing' ....

and the end of another day in paradise ...

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