Monday, February 16, 2015

8 Feb--Day 2 Half Moon Caye

8 Feb -- Day 2 -- Half Moon Caye

...and i slept all night!!!!!!!!!!   ...... waking up at 6:15  :)

Island Expeditions is an organization that brings people out here for 5-7 days, snorkeling, kayaking, fishing, yoga, eating, relaxing and are treated 'royally', although in rustic surroundings.    they have those platform tents set up just behind where i am staying ... they are RIGHT on the water  :)


.... i went over this morning, introduced myself, and talked with them for a bit, ...the manager, Pablo, said he would fix up a tent for me to sleep in one night if i wanted ...i declined, but nice guy !    ...and a woman, Jill, invited me to come to 6:30 yoga tomorrow :)    ....  it is the same 'outfit' that is on SouthWest Caye on Glovers Atoll that we 'partied' with a couple of nights in 2010  :)

on my morning snorkel, and felt completely 'naked' without my camera .... i saw a Southern Stingray, another large lobster, and then i went into some shallower water and the fish were right there, just asking to have their photograph taken  ... i am so bummed  :(     ...i went out a little deeper and found some nice coral patches .... i ended up on the dock side of the island ...

and saw the Dive Boats docking ... but none of them were from San Pedro, so i knew my camera equipment wasn't being delivered today.   Cliff said the Internet was working.  so i sent an email to Darrel asking if he had my camera bags .... i will be completely devastated if they have been stolen  :(    ...they don't even have Satellite phones out here, and an internet (no WiFi) that is slow and usually not working ... they do have some kind of 'radio' for emergencies ..... but i guess this really isn't an emergency  :)

i want to stay another night or two ... even without a camera ... it's just so perfect for me out here  :)

one of the guys that works here, asked me if i wanted some company snorkeling this afternoon.   he said he was a 'snorkel guide' for Island Adventures before he started working for the Belize Audubon Society here at Half Moon Caye.    we agreed to go at 2pm

i made myself some tuna salad for lunch and laid down in the sun on the picnic bench... when i looked down ... something ate the top of my left thigh.... i had 16 bites, one right after the other  :(   ...that'll teach me to let my guard down !    ...and i thought there weren't any bugs here  :(   ...just wanted you all to know that all is not perfect here in paradise  :)

my afternoon snorkel was pretty exciting, thanks to my 'guide' .... i probably never would have noticed the SIX Nurse Sharks he pointed out to me ... nor the HUGE Nassau Grouper .. definitely the largest fish i've ever seen ... also saw a large Green Moray Eel and large lobster ....

watched a bright firey sun, melt right into the sea ... not one cloud this evening ...

had left-overs for dinner, doing this blog ... and ... now what .. ?????    ... no ipod ....  it's not even 7pm yet ...

to bed ...

since i have no photos to share with you from today ... i'll show some other photos i took of the island yesterday ...

i LOVE that these small islands are being cared for in an environmentally-friendly way ....

lots and lots of Wish Willy Iguanas ... big ones ... it's obvious they don't eat them here  :)

they are so 'stud-ly' looking   .... i don't know .. maybe they are female  :)

the East end of the island is all sand and coconut trees ... but the middle and West side is very green ...

there is a nice trail system leading to the west beach and the Red Footed Booby and Frigate Birds ...

when i was here a few weeks ago the Red Footed Booby's were sitting on eggs .... now the one has a little baby ...

the trees that they make their nests in are Ziricote Trees  (with orange flowers in above photo) .... and i noticed that their feet are really more 'orange' ... the ones in the Galapagos were much more 'red' can see the orange feet ... this is the mate/partner, ready to take off to go look for dinner ...

here is the little one exercising his wings  ....  and falling over   :)

cute-ugly looking ... his fluff comes all the way down to his beek  :)

and this is the beach i snorkeled at this morning:

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