Thursday, February 5, 2015

27 Jan - Around Madi's

27 Jan - Around Madi's

what's new with Donna ?
still working here ... Madi left on a Friday to do a Spay/Neuter Clinic in Chetumal, Mexico .... and left me 'in charge' until Monday afternoon  ... i told her never to ask me to do that again!'s not my thing ... i'm better with a drill and a saw  :)
checking people in, taking money, stripping sheets off beds, emptying waste baskets, sweeping floors, cleaning the kitchen, washing sheets, and taking care of Mom ... does any of that sound like fun to you ?   if so, come on down, i've got a deal for you  :)
it was made worse by the fact that the internet was down, so i had no way of knowing if "Hostel World" had booked people in beds and how many beds i had available for 'walk-ins' and people who wanted to stay an extra day or two.   we had all beds (19) full every night she was gone ... it was a nightmare !    ... and i'm glad it's over !

a few new inventions and projects ...
check out my 'door stop'  .... we have concrete floors in the dorm, and i don't drill into it very well.   so, i devised this so i could drill into the wall and still have it stick out far enough to stop the door ...

i needed to fix this dresser so it could be used as a 'lock box'  ... but the drawers are not flush with the dresser, so i had to improvise and add some thin pieces to the dresser .... it was a challenge, but it finally worked.

i bought a new board, painted it, and installed it in the kitchen and put hooks on it to hang our mugs ..........

i don't think i've ever shown you a photo of the 10-bed dorm where i am staying ...
this was under construction last year when i was here ... it turned out really nice !    lots of light in there and it overlooks the sea ...  not bad for US$12.50 / night !

another design ... i hung these little white baskets from the ceiling so the person sleeping in the top bunk would have a place to stash their phone, money, light, etc. when they are sleeping ...

and this is the common seating area next to the kitchen, just outside the dorms..... also overlooking the sea ...most people that book to stay here through Hostel World, end up staying extra nights ... everyone likes it here  :)   

it's quiet and peaceful here ... she makes it very clear on her web page  ...'this is our home, this is not a party place ; if you want to party, go somewhere else'  ...
we have 2 new toilets here too, but neither of them had a light, and it was dark in there even during the day.   i decided i was going to 'rig-up' some lights in there with an extension cord ... just to have some light in there, even if it wasn't OSHA approved.   i went to the store and bought my supplies and was on my way home, when i saw my friend, Darrel, from San Pedro.  i met him the first time i came down here with the Belize Banana Beach Babes (the birthday celebration vacation gang, for my good friend, Kathy).   he had 2 friends with him, they wanted to know what i was up to at Madi's.   they followed me home, and i told them my plan.   Darrel said, we can put 'real' lights in there for you, .....with switches, .... if you want....... i didn't hesitate to accept the offer ... he said he went to Electrician school... who knew?    ... and his friend Matthew, used to live in Mishawaka, IN,  (go figure!) ....and worked on those high power lines ... i had professionals  :)

we made a few trips back to the Hardware Store and within a few hours ... we had lights in both toilets !
these guys are great !   ..and it only cost Madi 4 fresh watermelon juices and a bucket of beers down at The Split ....when they were finished  :)

enough on projects right now ...
i took a few photos of the kitties ... this is Reggae, a 'feral from across the street' ... who runs quickly through the yard in the afternoon and hides on top of those 2 toilets to keep away from the other cats ... beautiful eyes !

this is Butter and Sparky ... not siblings, but they are inseparable ... do you think they know they look alike ??

Maskey, i love Maskey ... he has become quite friendly with me... he loves to sleep high up in the Almond Tree on a platform ...


i haven't said much about Madi's volunteer that was here when i arrived.   her name is Laura, from Spain.  she's been here for 2 months and will stay another 5 months .... and just had her 23rd birthday, which we celebrated the evening before her birthday, because Spain is 6hrs ahead of us, and that is when she was born.   she is a 'delight' ... young, refreshing, and typically 'silly'  ...  and i'm her 'Belizean Mom' ... :)  
.... this is her with Snowy ...

and i was trying to get a photo of Snowy's blue crossed eyes, but she wasn't cooperating ...  this is how Laura helped me  :)

in closing ... i found a guy walking around with a cart and a Lemon Meringue pie ... actually there aren't any lemons here ... but limes ... they call them lemons ....  need to find him again !

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