Friday, February 27, 2015

12-19 Feb -- Back at Caye Caulker

12-19 Feb -- Back at Caye Caulker

trying to decide when i wanted to leave ... i've been here longer this year than ever before ... and i am so comfortable, it's hard to leave ... especially when i know how noisy and busy Utila will be .... but i feel like i need to move on ...
the boat from Belize City to Puerto Cortes, Honduras only goes on Fridays that narrows it down a bit ... but which Friday?  ....   getting back from Half Moon Caye on Wed, ...and leaving in 2 days was out of the question.
so i guess i'll just enjoy this week, and look at the next Fri, 20 Feb ... maybe ....

you know the 3 lies of an island   :)
--i'll never drink again
--i love you
--i'm leaving tomorrow

in between a few little projects ... i did some 'fun' stuff .....i spent some time around the Mangroves at Madi's hoping to see a SeaHorse .... i am standing in water ankle to knee deep, trying not to disturb the sediment .....
i saw this little Checkered Puffer Fish with the Orange eyes ....  all i can do is put the camera underwater and hope for the best ...

also saw this little Yellow Stingray, this one was only about 8-10 inches around  (grow up to 14") ... but you still do not want to step on them ....

Laura came out, taking Peaches for a swim ...

then i spotted the little Yellow SeaHorse ...  these are the most amazing creatures ....

it was a good day to wade in the water ....

a few days before that i spotted the brown SeaHorse ...

we had a beautiful SunSet for Valentines Day  ...

Jill, the Yoga Instructor from Half Moon Caye was going to be spending a few days on Caye Caulker before returning to the USA.     we made plans to meet for a drink one evening .... and she came over the next day and we did a bike and tour ...

we went out to the Airport and turned down a road and followed it all the way to the end ... and found the ReCycle Plant that they are building ... it's HUGE ... and on prime property right on the water ! .... i had heard they were building one, which made me happy; and i was even happier that it was this far along ...

we rode through an area where some new homes were being built painted real bright colors; and then came across these Egrets and a stray Roseate SpoonBill .... looked rather strange there with them .... Madi had been there a few days ago, and told me she saw a Flamingo ... i forgot to tell her what it really was ...

we rode a long way out to the SouthWest shore, across the Runway for the airport and looked at some other new homes that are being built out there .... then made a complete circle and ended up back at the Airport.    it was fun exploring

the night before i went out to Half Moon Caye, i met a girl when i stopped at the bar to listen to the music. Jill and i saw her and she invited us to meet up at a small bar, Oasi, that evening ... they were having a Cuban guy playing the guitar.      so after eating dinner at Wish Willy's, we went there ...   the guy was awesome.   it was a small place with 'older' people  :)   ....really nice.    it's fun to get out and meet (local--not transient) people.... something i've never done while staying at Madi's .... i need to do it more  :)

Laura and i went snorkeling at The Split one hot afternoon .... we tried to take some 'underwater selfies' ....

she didn't snorkel for very long ... but i did, ... despite not seeing much ... but you know me ... "i'm happiest when i'm in the sea" .... even if i'm not seeing much ....

but i did see 3 Cushion Sea Stars, and a LionFish  ...

oh, and i saw a Spotted Eagle Ray jump out of the water ... but it was kinda far away .....  i kept watching under the water for him to come swimming down the channel, but never saw him ....

i took more photos of some of the kitties, after they had eaten their breakfast ... doing what kitties do .... lay around and sleep !

Garfield ....

i also spent a lot of time on the phone with my phone/internet provider back in the USA ... TDS ...... they just 'reconfigured' their email system, and i could not get my MacMail to work .... AT ALL !    ...on 13 Feb i spent 3 hrs with 3 different 'support techs' .....luckily i can use Skype to call their toll-free number ... i don't know what i would have done without Skype!  ...but between the internet connection and Skype connection ... most of the time, i couldn't hear them and they couldn't hear me ... repeating, repeating, repeating ... those guys were REALLY patient given the circumstances.... more patient than i was.     finally i was able to 'receive' emails .... but still could not 'send'.        ...and i was done for the day ... i couldn't do it any more :(   

.... on 14 Feb i spent 1.5hrs with 'genius trouble-shooter' named John, and he was able to get it working for me .... he was quite proud of himself, as he should be ... he said, 'i think i earned my pay for today'  .... i was so thankful and sent a note to TDS about him.

on Wed, i finally made my decision to leave on Fri ... reluctantly .... Laura is sad to have me leave, and i have really enjoyed her .... she calls me her 'Mum'   ... :)

the night before i was leaving i found out that Fran, a friend from Kalamazoo, was here on Caye Caulker.   Fran has been coming here for years ... way before me .... but i'm usually gone by the time she arrives ... so i ran down to her place and we shared a drink on Caye Caulker 'sand'  ...  again, sorry to be leaving when there are people here i can do 'things' with  :(

i love Caye Caulker  :

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