Monday, March 23, 2015

16 Mar - Hello Roatan

16 Mar - Hello Roatan

 Roatan is NE of Utila about 40 Miles ...    here is a map ... i am staying in West End ...

the boat ride over was still pretty rough ... i think ... i climbed down to the 'bunks' and feel asleep, but i felt the boat rockin over the waves.

we arrived in Half Moon Bay ... no wind, and the water was dead still ...... obviously i did not take this photo  ....pretty nice though  :)

WoW   ... it was also a bit cloudy ...   i went to Casa del Sol, the same place i stayed last year ... 

my new home ... looking out the door of my room ...

my room is the last one on the end .... extra windows = more light = happy  :)

it's so pretty here ... in the plant and flower-filled gardens ...
while i was settling in .. and we had a nice little rain shower ....

i was happy to see the turtle was still here ... although i feel bad that he is in a 'cage' ... but i realize, it's better than being in a 'pot of stew'    :(

it cleared up and the sun came out ... so i walked into town and went to the Marine Park office to see what i would be doing.    Christi was not there at the time, and i met some new staff, talked with Karen and decided i should show up at 9am tomorrow since there were several cruise ships coming in .... 5,200 people  :)

i walked to the other end of West End to see what had changed ..... some places closed, new places opened ... the first year i was here, i stayed here at Ft Safrey ... it has been converted to the BareFoot Bar and Restaurant ....

this is a new 'italian' restaurant .... 'Eat-aly'  ... cute name ...

saw this black 'cat on a hot tin roof' ....  :)

back at my room, i got a little more settled, and then headed down to watch the sunset.

one of the great things about Roatan is that you can see the sunset TWICE every day!
......... you can watch it set from the center of town over the point ...

and then walk 1min down the street to my 'regular' sunset bar ... The Sundowner .... and watch it set again   :)

the sunsets never disappoint here !

it's nice to be back on familiar ground ... and much quieter and safer on the streets here than on Utila   :)

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