Tuesday, March 3, 2015

26 Feb - Coral View Snorkel

26 Feb - Snorkel at Coral View

it was still really calm on the seas today, so Laurie and i packed up and headed out to Coral View ... can't pass up opportunities like this ....
Coral View has a 2-story dock there with stairs right into the water, real easy access ..... and if you buy a beverage, they don't mind if you use their facilities  :)

as soon as i got in the water i saw this TrumpetFish .... a good name for them i think ...

this is a StopLight ParrotFish... Initial Phase  ....

and so is this ...StopLight ParrotFish - Terminal Phase ...

this Juvenile YellowTail DamselFish has developed enough to have a Yellow Tail ..when they are very tiny, they have a clear transparent tail ....  that yellow streak is a Goby ... :)

as the YellowTail DamselFish matures it looses it's pretty colors ... you can still see the blue dots faintly on this one ...

this adult YellowTail DamselFish found himself a nice safe home in the Brain Coral

the Blue Tangs were cruising and feeding along the reef ...

amazingly, i saw another Scrawled CowFish and followed him around for awhile ... but he was down pretty deep, so i had to keep diving down holding my breath ... that didn't last too long  :(

also saw this little Smooth TrunkFish in the same area ...

and after i said it is difficult to get a photo of the Rock Beauty ... here are a couple more, hovering over the Blade FireCoral ...

some days you just get lucky :)

on my way back in, i saw that same Scrawled CowFish again  .... here he is making his 'get-away' through the coral ...

and his pal the Smooth TrunkFish was with him again ...and also was moving pretty fast..

in the shallows, Christmas Tree Worms,  ...atop Star Coral ...

this Chrismas Tree Worm ... next to a Sun Anemone ...

and a Sea Cucumber, which isn't very pretty, but certainly has decorated herself nicely with some turtle grass and seaweed  :)   ....

snorkeling ... 3 days in a row  :)

tonight i watched the movie The Judge ... i had wanted to see it before i left Michigan, but never made it .... it was very very good !

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