Sunday, March 29, 2015

22 Mar - Rudy's Snorkel

22 Mar - Snorkeling from Rudy's

on Sunday i walked to the other end of West End and talked with Michelle ... i stayed at her place (Georphe's) in 2012 ... and had a nice visit ..... then i snorekled out to the reef ...
its' kind of out from 'Eagle Rays' in the photo below ...

it's about a 10min swim to get out there .... and it's across the 'highway' that the water taxis use to go from West End to West Bay ... so that's why i take my float with me ... you can see how nice and calm the water is it this way  :)

this is part of the entire reef system ... so you can snorkel horizontal to the shore, back and forth, always seeing something different ....

i went out to the edge of the reef, in deeper water, and the first fish i saw was this Porcupine Fish, in a hurry to get to safety ...

and this Black Durgeon ...

i don't think i've posted a photo of the 3 Spot DamselFish .... they are only about 1.5" long and are very fast ...

a Banded ButterFly Fish ...

this little Juvenile French AngelFish is pretty quick too ...

this is a Magnificent Feather Duster ... it is actually a 'worm' and if you get close to it ... it disappears inside it's tube ...

i came across this coral head that was home to many different fish ... including a LionFish .... i don't know why they don't just gang up on him and kick him out  ...  :)
several different kinds of ParrotFish, Blue Tang, Blue Striped Grunt, and a SchoolMaster Snapper ...

not to mention the beautiful Queen AngelFish ....

and this curious Smooth TrunkFish ...

look at that cute little mouth  :)

this Spotted TrunkFish wasn't very interested in me ....

moving along i saw another Scrawled FileFish ... not as large as the one yesterday ... but still a master at changing colors to match it's surroundings ....   here it's more brown ...

 and now more pink ....   color coordination at it's best ...

these Blue Indigo Hamlets are quick little swimmers too ...

there is some pretty coral out here .... there are many boats that bring Cruise Ship snorkelers out here, but the damage isn't as bad as it is at West Bay ...

a BlueHead Wrasse

and finally the sinister-looking Barracuda ...

i didn't get in the water until after 3pm ... so i was hoping i'd see a Turtle or an Eagle Ray coming in to feed for the evening ... but no luck  :(

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