Saturday, March 21, 2015

Frustrating Days for Donna

8 Mar
i saw that there was a snorkel tour to the Southwest Caye ... it's actually a private island, but these guys got 'permission' to take groups snorkeling around the island.   it's out past Water Caye, so not very accessible, which should translate into less damaged coral.   i signed up, but it rained most of the night and was raining early morning.   i decided they probably wouldn't be going, and even if they did, ...i was not.   however, when i called, the guy told me the weather was clearing and it would be beautiful; ... and ... he talked me into it ... but they were already in the boat.   i was not ready, but said i would hurry ...... and hurry i did, and out the door i went ... got in the boat ... out to the island ... jumped in the water ... turned on my camera ... it wouldn't turn on ... i flipped it over and saw that i had not 'locked' he door ... water in the camera ............ i motioned for the boat and they took my camera ... i returned to the water, empty-handed, and thoroughly disgusted with myself.

the coral was very nice, we saw a turtle, and many other fish that i would have liked to take photos of ... we snorkeled, got in the boat, went to another island, and snorkeled there .... it was a good snorkel tour, but obviously, i was distracted.

salt water is the worst for cameras, so 'they' say to rinse the camera in fresh water to try to get the salt out, and then try to dry it ... put it in a bag of rice to draw out the moisture ... and let it sit.   i did that for a several days, then left the camera open with the fan blowing on it ..... then back in the rice ....  maybe i can save it ... doubtful  :(

10 Mar
the weather continues to be very windy, the sand is kicked up, and visibility is poor ..... so i haven't done much snorkeling on Utila, ...but eventually the 'sea called to me' and i had to try again.   one of my worst fears is not having a camera; so i brought another one with me ..... good Girl Scout that i am ... 'always be prepared' ... or is that the Boy Scouts ?   i charged the batteries and checked and doubled checked the locking mechanism to make sure it was sealed.    and although it was a windy day headed to the beach ...

this is Chepas Beach ... you can see how cloudy and chured-up the water is ... and the white-caps ! ...  you can also see the mountains on the mainland Honduras in the distance ...

i didn't want to get in, but i was there, and there wasn't anything else to do, so i decided to continue walking to the end of the island, down to Coral View and see how it was down there ... although i knew what it would be like, ... and it was REALLY windy, but i needed to get into the water ...

i took a few photos

this little Sergeant Major ...

Orange Spotted FileFish  ...

after 10min ... the camera was dead ... knowing i had just charged the batteries, there could only be one reason ... somehow water got into the camera  :(

another bag of rice for my collection  ...  i feel defeated   :(

not snorkeling, i've been trying to find ways to occupy my time ... oh, did i tell you that my iPod died as well, .... so all the audio books i loaded on it; are not available either...  something with my karma and technological items ....:(

Laurie and i have been waiting for a week for the wind to die down so we could kayak to the other side of the island and snorkel in Rock Harbor.   it just won't quit !

one afternoon i visited The Jade SeaHorse ... i visit every year ... it's an incredible place.   there is a vegeterian restaurant there, called B-Leaf, and a bar called the TreeTanic ...that is up in a tree, like a tree-house.   they also have several 'cottages' that you can stay in.    the guy has a beautiful garden area, with huge plantings.   but it is amazing what he has done with the rest of the property .... it's mind-blowing .... the whole place is decorated with incredible mosaic work ...each year i go here, he's added something new ... this year it is this amazing Dragon ...

this person-hand-railing is new this year too ...

you can rent the cottages up here at the top of the hill ..... check out that red/pink roof style ....i understand they have similar decorations inside them ... would be cool to see !

here are a few other photos of some of the other work ... this is probably 15' tall ....

amazing stairs...

bathroom door ...

and he puts all kinds of recycled 'stuff' .... bottles, light bulbs, glass and ceramic pieces everywhere... like this sweet-faced little turtle head ...

it goes on and on ...  it is huge !  ...

 unfortunately photographs do not do it justice ... at least not my photographs ...

Sue Holeman ... i so think of you each time i go here ... you would love this place!

this reminds me of a place i visited in South Africa, the home of a woman who did similar 'artwork' .... Jonathan ?

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