Tuesday, March 3, 2015

24 Feb - Water Caye Snorkel

24 Feb - Snorkeling at Water Caye

my first 'free' day ... i packed my snorkel gear and walked into 'town' ... there was a boat going out to Water Caye at 12:30 and i signed up ... US$15 .... it's a pretty little island, i've been to several times before ...nothing there ... just an island .... and snorkeling ...it looked like a nice day until we got out there ... then it clouded up and got windy .... the water was pretty choppy, but i was ok w/that.    i spent 2 hrs snorkeling around 3 sides of the island, skipping the sandy beach out front ...

any day snorkeling is better than any day not snorkeling .. but some snorkeling days are better than others ... today was not a great day.    i didn't see anything 'special' except a couple Reef Squids that didn't want to be photographed .....

here are a few photos i did take ...

Christmas Tree Worms on Brain Coral ... with a wide variation of patterns ...

i need to find out what causes a Brain Coral to change it's pattern during it's development

Sergeant Majors and Gobys ...

a juvenile 4-Eye ButterFly Fish, in front of a Sea Fan ... checking me out ....

a PuddingWife Fish .... why the name?     .....i have very few photos of this fish ... they are fast !

i was getting cold and it was really cloudy by now ... i got out at 3pm .... but we weren't scheduled to go back until 5pm   :(    ...wet, cold, and nothing to do for 2hrs  ... but hang out on this beautiful island  :)

  ....  i talked to 2 guys who were ready to go back too ... so, we left about 4:30 ....

when i went to Caribbean Dreams to find out about a room, i met Laurie, a Journalist from Canada ... we've been getting together to do a few things, and i am enjoying her company .... plus, she has done and experienced amazing things ... fun to listen to  .... makes my travels look like i've only gone 'around the block'  !    ,,,,you meet such amazing people traveling, most are doing so much more than i am .... these are the 'real' adventurous people!

love the little Theater here on Utila, Laurie and i watched the movie, Taken 3 tonight   :)

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