Sunday, March 10, 2024

Ba Na Hills -- 3 March

I'm into March already, a little over a month to go on this Adventure.   And it has been one Adventure after another.   Most of the times I don't 'research' what 'it' is, or 'does'.     I like the surprises !    Today we went to BaNa Hills.... whatever that is ???????

Some days are so full of fun and photos that it's difficult to capture and relate it all.   This was one of those days !

Sun World Ba Na Hills is the 'most significant resort and recreational complex of Vietnam'.    It is 4,878 ft from sea level.  They have been in business for 11yrs.  It has 5 cable cars with an accumulated capacity of nearly 7,000 passengers per hour! 

I'll start with the weather.   It was sunny in the parking lot and on our way up the mountain.   It was a 20 minute ride !   Our car pretty much followed the river up the hill.


Imagine our surprise as we neared the top and the clouds and mist came in.


We had seen this happen before in this area ... look at the clouds over those mountains.   We were probably up there somewhere  :)


So we were not too surprised when we got off our car to find the 'city' covered in a mist.


The first thing that caught my eye .... were the beautiful  TULIPS !!!!!!!

I would describe BaNa Hills as a 'Disney World' ... lots of different villages, 

and beautiful gardens

 that provided photo opportunities  :)

And, it is most famous for the 'Golden Hand Bridge'.   It is a pedestrian bridge that does not cross any lakes or rivers, but stretches across the middle of the mountain, at 1414m (4,600 ft)   


Opened in 2018, the bridge is 500ft long and 16 ft wide.. but still not enough to contain all the visitors  :)


But we were able to carve out a little space for ourselves


Hands holding a bridge were not the only massive sculptures of the human body

I chose this photo because my brother and sister used to call me 'Dumbo'


In additon to 5 cable cars there was a train that would take you to another area or the park.


Where there was an 'amusement-type park'.    

We did a few rides.

 Looked at more gardens and flowers


And managed to find places for more group photos.    We're 'big' on group photos  :)


The mist did add a mystical element to our visit.

It was getting late, and it was becoming misty and darker.   They starting to shut down some of the cable cars.   You can barely see them on the left.

We started looking for a way down and called it a wonderful day.

We almost missed this 'Thank You' message.

Ba Na Hills was so fun !


The most exciting, of course, was the Golden Hands Bridge .... even though the 'hands' are not 'golden'

The next day we were leaving for Nah Trang ... stay tuned for the next blog to hear about THAT adventure.


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