Friday, March 8, 2024

DaNang, VietNam, Beach Play & Dragons ! - - 1 Mar

Today was a 'day off' ... no car ride, no bus rides, no flights ... just relax.   We took advantage of the cloudy, but no-rain-weather in the morning, and hit the Beach. 

Shari, our organizer and photographer was in rare form.   These are just a bunch of silly photos.  It started off innocently enough with a large clam shell on the beach.

Then we found one of those Round Fishing boats that we had a ride in.

And ... a Pirate Ship ...

With more fun

Since Shari and her Hubby are always taking 'couple photos' ... Sylvia and I decided it was our turn :

One more

Then it was time for rest and a beverage

Notice Lady Buddha in the distant hills watching over the seas

I loved this building that has lots of plants growing on it !   Good for them !

The Italian restaurant, 4Ps Pizza, was recommended as our dinner choice.    It did not disappoint.   Get ready for this, all you gourmet cooks out there!   Their specialty was a pizza with Prosciutto Ham piled on top, and then topped with a huge ‘dollop’ of Burrata Cheese.


When she brought it to the table, she asked us if we wanted her to cut it … yes please!    It was amazing!


There were other amazing pizzas combinations, calzones, and pasta dishes.  Everyone was happy with their choices.

And ... the excitement for the night wasn't over yet.   DaNang is famous for it's Dragon Bridge.  The bridge is 658m ...2,155 ft .. that's almost a half mile long.   6 lanes of traffic, and 2 wide sidewalks for pedestrians.   The plan was to walk the bridge.   There were hundreds/thousands of people doing the same thing.   However, when we got to the Dragon's Head, Shari stopped.   Of course, we all stopped and gazed at the huge Dragon... and waited and wondered.   Then this happened.

At the end of the video, you can see some of the rest of the Dragon's tail

He did that several more times, also changing colors, green, blue, red, yellow ...


That was way cool!   He spit fire several more times, and we watched.    The next time ... The Dragon sprayed water, ...a lot of water.   Anyone on the other side of the bridge got soaked!    Shari knew which way the wind was blowing and made sure we were on the dry side!   I've said before..she is amazing !

There are Dragons every where you look.  

From there we continued to the Night Market.   Night Markets are a big thing here.   Portable stalls are put up on the street and the vendors try to sell.    It's amazing to me that they 'take down and put up' their stalls each time!   I'm watching, but i'm not buying .... :)


That is a review of our first full day and full night in DaNang !    And we're not done yet.  More to come.





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