Thursday, March 14, 2024

Vin Wonders, Nah Trang - 7 March

Another crazy fun day at another Disney-type park, Vin Wonders, but it is on an island.    Like BaNa Hills .. it is huge !    Advertisements say "largest theme park in Vietnam that ranks top in Asia.   125 acres, (as big as 93 football fields), built with 6 subdivisions and 12 unique themes, shows, rides, a zoo, an aquarium, gardens, and even a large water park area.


Cable car ride is 12 minutes and a distance of 3,320 meters (2.06 miles) over the water.   Each cable car holds up to 8 people.

For our first 'ride', we experienced the 'new age' amusement park.  It is a virtual 'ride', you put on goggles and off you go... like you're on a roller-coaster, but this one had Jurassic park animals chasing us.    It's a great invention,.. for not taking up lots and lots of space in the park.   It looks like this.

Maybe some of you are already aware of this new phenomenon, but it was new to me.   The problem is that it is very 'labor intensive' and takes a LONG time between rides, and only hold holds 10 people.   The goggles have to be sanitized, and then calibrated to each person, and make sure you're locked in.    

We did this one, and then moved on to more traditional rides.   The Alpine Coaster was a real hit. 


The course is 1,865 meters (1.1 miles) long and has some fantastic views, and relaxing, until you went down hill and around the curves.


The cars are not linked together.  Everyone has their own car and controls.   Everyone needs to stay 75 ft away from each other to prevent a collision.  Signs every where saying that the car in back is liable if it hits the car in front of it.    It's not a wild roller-coaster ride, much milder.  It was so much fun we did it twice in a row.   Surprisingly there were few (or no) people in line the entire day.

On the other hand, there WAS a wild scary roller-coaster ride that we went on ...  ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk up the hill, until you slid over the top... and down!  Brought back great memories from childhood visits to Silver Beach !

This Ferris Wheel has an altitude of 120 meters (394 feet).  What is awesome about riding this Ferris Wheel is that each cart is equipped with air conditioning and a fan. WooHoo!  


It takes 20 minutes to complete the ride.   So, it moves very very slowly and gives you lots of time to look at the grounds.


There is also an animal park, aka zoo.   I've always been conflicted about zoos.   I feel sorry for the animals being in an area that is not natural for them... no matter how hard they try.   There was a male lion that was just pacing and pacing, and breaking my heart :(     There were others too of course.

However, it is great to be able to see these animals up close.   I liked the markings on this zebra's bum.


We were here in the evening, so most of the animals were out because it was cooler, (my thought).   They even had 3 White Bengal Tigers.   This one looked frustrated.

 Several camels

and ... it was feeding time.   At least for the Giraffe.   The 'keeper' came out with baskets full of bananas and green beans.   And let everyone feed them.   Who knew they were on a Giraffe's diet ?   We were all shocked at their very long gray tongue and how gentle they were.


The Flamingos were beautiful and fun to watch.


They had 2 Aviaries, and obviously have been quite successful in breeding these Storks.   They were everywhere and were in pairs, and building nests.

Also a 'Petting Zoo' ... a 3 day old baby goat was the main attraction.   



Momma goat was very protective.   I LOVE this video that Sylvia took.    Little Baby is so curious going around to other goats, but they weren't so receptive ... but Momma was there every time to the rescue !  Damn kids  :)

Underwater World is a multi-level aquarium.   One of the cool parts about the aquarium is the underwater tunnel, so you see the fish swim above you.   It was evening and they were all out and moving.   Sylvia was taking video and here is a ScreenShot.   There were so many giant Moray Eels, trying to claim space in a small urn. 


Another screenshot from Sylvia's video show the largest Groupers we've ever seen... 3-4ft. They were giants !


They also had many reptiles, i liked this iguana ... watch his eyes move around.


We stayed until after dark so we could experience the Musical Water Fountain Show.   It was awesome, so amazing, the lights and motion of the water to the music.   It's impossible to capture the beauty of it, but Sylvia's photo does a good job.

The other night time attraction was Tata.  Basically a story about good and evil, with lots of theatrics, and props, dancing, and acting.   But the most impressive part to me was the lighting of the castle.   It was amazing!

After that it was time to get back on the Cable Car and leave.   It was a long fun day !

Shari, Butch and Sylvia returned the next day and did the Water Park ... for hours !

I took advantage of the Beach again  :)









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