Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Train to Nah Trang - 4-6 March

We were supposed to take a non-stop 10 hour 'night train' with soft beds in a 4 person bunk.   Shari researched this down to the very last detail.  And we booked our tickets back in October.    Leaving DaNang after Midnight, arriving in the morning (and we saved on a hotel room that night).    We were all pretty excited about trying a different mode of transportation.  Nah Trang is at the bottom of the map.

Late in the afternoon while we were packing for our train trip, Sheri got a text saying that there had been a 'mix-up' and our reservations have been cancelled !    Nothing else.   She tried to book something else, but was having no luck.  We went to the train station and waited while Shari did her 'magic' with the ticket people.   She came out saying that the woman actually was very helpful and tried several different combinations...but the only thing she could get were 2 HARD beds in a SIX person bunk.    At least we got on a train, and didn't really know that our 'downgrade' meant; but it didn't sound good.   

The next day around 11am, we boarded the train.    They didn't lie: the beds were hard, with a thin cushion, a blanket, and pillow... and there were 6 ...... 2 sets of  THREE bunk beds.   With literally no way to sit up in them.


Sylvia was in the top bunk, with literally no room.

my middle bunk wasn't any better


It certainly was not an ideal situation, but we were making the best of it.    


People were coming and going with every stop .. and there were 12 stops!   Then some young women arrived, and were talking loudly.   They were so disrespectful.   I asked them to quiet it down; and they did for awhile, then the volume was back up again  :(   Thankfully they got off at the next stop and some older quiet people came in.    And the hours passed by.

Then 'out of the blue' Shari poked her head in and said, 'get ready, we gotta get off' !   We all thought we had another hour ... so it was a mad panic to put together all the stuff we had gotten out to make ourselves comfortable.   We made it.  But let me tell you, they do NOT give you much time to get off that train !

We got to Aaron Hotel in Nha Trang, and went searching for food and drink.   A little table on the sidewalk  :)     We ordered Pizza Hut pizza if you can believe me :)

The Hotel was just 2 blocks from the Beach.   It was a nice big sandy one.

And that is where we spent our first day in Nha Trang, at the Z Beach Bar

On Bean Bags  ...What a happy group !   We ordered Greek Chicken Wraps from Grab, ... it was wonderful !   So good, that we went back there again another night !

That night's dinner was at a great Mexican place called Cactus.   They had great Margaritas

It was an extra special night because it was Butch's Birthday !


They had the most clever deliverance of the 'bill'  ... it came in this 'coffin'

and when you opened it ... this skeleton popped out with your bill

The next day was also spent at the Beach ... but we upgraded this afternoon.   We were at the Sailing Club ... 1st Class Beach Restaurant !    Food and Drinks were ridiculously expensive !   But it was a beautiful lazy beach day.    Donna, always working on her Blog !

Our hotel had a Roof Top Bar, and we watched the Sunset from up there.

After 2 lazy days, the next day we went to Vin Wonders.    See my next Blog !

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