Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Tour - Fri, 18 Jan

Fri, 18 Jan

Taxi was early, so we walked down to a beach where they were putting a newly refurbished boat into the water, .... with a front-end loader ... that was interesting to watch.

visited more Sea Lions and saw some new babies ... here is one feeding ....

 We finally boarded our boat, with 14 other people ... it was very cramped and we ended up sitting on the bow, which was fine; but  we didn't expect this many people, since when we signed up last night, there were only 3 others.   we first cruised by a rocky shore where we saw the Blue Footed Boobies and Marine Iguanas.   we didn't get very close, but the Marine Iguanas were large and impressive.   when i first saw one, i thought it was a monkey.    my camera was already in the underwater case, so no photos.   but i plan to make this trip again, and i'll be better prepared.

Our first snorkel spot was on the island of Los Lobos.    we never set foot on the island, but snorkeled from the boat.   it's famous for the Sea Lions what will swim with you.

they are so interactive, they look as if to say ... 'hey look what i can do' ... so cute

for some reason my mask was leaking, which made the snorkeling annoying with constant water up my nose, clearing my mask, and less enjoyable than it could have been.    but it was still lots of fun!     All the fish are different here; although the same 'Family' as the Caribbean, (shapes are the same) but different species, so totally different coloring and identifying features.   I recognized a Parrot Fish ... after checking my book .... this is an Azure ParrotFish

and a HogFish .. this is a Streamer HogFish ... note the long 'streamers' on tail and fins ... also sometimes called a Mexican HogFish ...

upper right corner is a Pencil Sea Urchin, with a YellowTail DamselFish

the Yellow Tailed DamselFish ... check out it's yellow Lips ... awesome !

this one was really pretty ... it's a Yellow Tailed SurgeonFish ....

we even saw a Green Sea Turtle .... with a young 'supermale' Streamer HogFish right above him .... he is too young to have his 'streamers' yet ... but has a distinctive yellow stripe ...

it wasn't Andy's first time snorkeling, but it had been awhile.    it's always fun to watch someone really enjoy and appreciate the underwater world.  Andy and i were the last ones in the boat.
i saw this yellow Sand Dollar just before it got in the boat:

by the end of the trip, i think he was 'hooked'

i had read that the clarity of the water here isn't like the Caribbean; and they are right.   i'm sure it varies, but because of the many ocean currents, i don't think i'll see anything close to what i've been used to.   but it is the ocean currents that provide for the huge variety of species that are found in these waters.'s a trade off that most people don't mind making.  i'm sure i will agree by the end of the trip.

then off to Kicker Rock, or Leon Dormido, meaning Sleeping Lion, which is more descriptive of it's shape.   it is a very large tall rock off the coast of San Cristobal.  it is also the rock that i mentioned in my last posting when we were up on the hill planting the endemic bushes ...

a famous dive/snorkel site where they SAY you will see 3 different species of reefsharks (that won't hurt you :)  ...  Hammerhead Sharks, Rays, Eagle Rays, Mantas .... and lotsa fishes.   You actually snorkel between a break in the rock.    this is what i saw   :(     ....nothing but green ...

how could you possibly see anything in this?   the guide took us right down the middle, it wasn't long before i strayed off to the sides of the wall where i could see all kinds of life; and i was so amazed and impressed with the incredible color.   

a lot of anemones and corals that i couldn't identify; but they were beautiful!
i saw this pretty SeaStar

this is a Green Sea Urchin, which has the curious habit of picking up bits of shell and carrying them around in what appears to be a poor attempt at camouflage.

i did have one shark swim past me ...

Andy and i were again, the last ones in the boat ... i found myself a great snorkel partner!    we learned that those who stuck with the 'guide' saw sharks, so next time, we'll try to hang with him.   then, we were off to another island, where we had lunch on the boat, a piece of grilled fish, rice, salad.   there are a lot of islands and beaches where you are not permitted to set foot because they are protected.  but, we were allowed to get on this island and explore.   it was low tide and the beach had nice white sand, with lots of very black lava rock in the water and along the shore.   again, no photos, sorry  :(       it was a protected cove, and although we didn't snorkel, the clarity there looked good.
back on the boat and back to Kicker Rock for another try at the sharks.   We hung with the guide, but i still didn't see any sharks, other people did, but i did not.   eventually i got bored and hung out along the wall again; and i was happy to be able to see something.

a couple photos of a Pacific BurrFish

and another Sea Star

and more pretty anemones and other things i can't identify, but i certainly enjoyed looking at them!

a great day of snorkeling.   and i was happy to realize that i was pretty comfortable in my own 3mm wet suit with my new 5mm booties, at least at this depth snorkeling.  

after returning to the dive shop, the only thing i wanted was ice cream; Andy agreed.   we actually found some 'soft serve' ice cream, everything else was packaged.  it tasted good after all that salt water.    we picked up a sandwich at a stand at the park, i stopped in the bakery and got some wheat bread and a piece of flan; then a taxi back to the ranch.    After rinsing and hanging clothes/equipment, washing my hair and showering, i relaxed with a rum and coke :)   we spent a quiet evening reviewing my photos; and i even twisted Andy's arm into looking at my photos from Belize, Utila, and Honduras.

a great day in the Galapagos !

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