Sunday, January 20, 2013

San Cristobal Arrival - Wed, 16 Jan

Wed, 16 Jan

They took me to the airport at 5am, for a 1hr flight to Guayaquil; where passengers got on and off, and we continued to San Cristobal.    i had an aisle seat, but with help from the flight attendant, got to sit by a window so i could get a view of the islands. San Crisobal is the island on the far right.

Eastern shore of San Cristobal

What most of the island looks like:  dry and arid

I live in the highlands:  where it is green

With only 6hrs sleep in 2 nights, i arrived on the island of San Cristobal, Galapagos, tired, yet excited.

It was warm and overcast when Geovanny, our Project Leader, met me at the airport, made a quick stop to the grocery store for a small jar of peanut butter, jam, pasta & tomato sauce, and a can of tuna ... for a grand total of $21.25 !!!!   YIKES !   at this rate it will be expensive to even eat at home.    We traveled 20min by taxi to the highlands, to the 'ranch' where i will be living.   Note: taxi ride $5 each way, ....which can be shared :)
Hacienda Tranquila, S.A.

My home, Hacienda Tranquila, with hammocks on the porch w/Andy in doorway

I met Andy from NYC, the only other volunteer, who had just spent the morning swinging a machete.   got settled into my room, in time to participate in the afternoon activities.   .... Jumped right in   :)
For me that meant planting basil, tarragon, cukes, and eggplant seeds ... are you kidding .... this is perfect!   it sprinkled a little while i was working, but barely enough to wet the ground.

In addition to our herb/veggie garden, so far i've seen oranges, bananas, papayas, lemons, and limes on the ranch.    We also have horses, a Burro named Ricky Martin, bulls, cows, and a baby calf, which means we are also milking cows.   There are chickens and little chicks running around, which means we have wonderful eggs.  ..... AND a CAT, named Me-ow, .... and not just any cat, ... an Orange cat, who is very sweet.

and quite spoiled  ... soon to be more so   :)

around 3pm Andy said he was going into town and did i want to share a taxi.    of course i did.    Nice to learn we don't always work until 5pm.    The town is referred to as 'Porto', which is wonderful because the actual name is Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.

The first thing you see are Sea Lions ... Sea Lions, and more Sea Lions, ... everywhere, in the water, on the beach and on the rocks:

... but also on the sidewalks, and on the park benches.   They just make themselves at home.

OK, this has always confused me ... here's the 'skinny':   Sea Lions and Fur Seals, unlike Seals, can lift their body completely off the ground.   Seals can only shuffle along with their hind fins trailing.   ...more knowledge

I walked around for a couple of hours, there are lots of Dive-Tour and Souvenir shops; and i found a couple places with WiFi.   i bought a drink and snack so i could use their internet to check my email.  The next 4 weeks while i am here, my Blog will be sporadic and unpredictable.   a 20min, $5 taxi ride is the closest internet connection, something i had not expected. 

I met up with Andy again and we got some dinner.   i ordered Ceviche.   It certainly wasn't what i expected, ... it was white, and addition to fish and seafood, there was a white cheese, and ... they served it with popcorn ! 

every country does it differently   :)

it's wonderfully quite here with only 2 volunteers!    ...i was in bed by 8:30, good sleeping weather up here, and had a good nights sleep.

oh ... so far no mosquitos   :)          ....nor 'no-see'ums'     double  :)  :)

1 comment:

  1. The map is super cool. Enjoy the sunshine; it is 12 degrees now, to be -6 to -9 overnight. Lisa F
