Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Kate Arrives - Sun, 20 Jan

i survived the night alone  :)

Since i'm the only one here, i assume i can clean out the refrigerator.   i combined  bottles of hot sauces, tomato sauces, soy sauces, ketchup etc .... and ended up with 9 empty bottles.   So the refrigerator is now clean and ready for 20 more kids and all their food.

around 11am, Geovanny returned with Kate, from the UK.   she'll be my roommate for the next 3 weeks.    i was ready to go to Porto, she put her bags in the room and we jumped in the taxi.   i wanted to impress her with the Sea Lions, but it was cloudy and drizzling, ... there weren't very many of them, i guess they don't like to get wet :)

We did see this Blue Footed Boobie on the rocks who was kind enough not to fly away.

and the famous Sally Lightfoot Crab, .... so colorful ! 
and they are quite large as well

they are given that name because of how quickly they can scamper over the rocks.

then it started really raining.   we found an internet cafe for her and i returned to my restaurant w/WiFi to work on my blog.   it's been raining off and on all day, sometimes quite hard .... hummmmmm, i left the windows open in our room ...........   this is the first real rain i've seen.    so glad it wasn't like this on our snorkel day !

got back to the ranch and visited for awhile, i like Kate a lot.  
then to bed..... it rained all night

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