Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wed, 23 Jan

Hacienda Tranquila is No Longer Tranquil   !!

Kate and i started the morning off with the machetes again ... we're getting really good at this.   this morning we were trimming trees so our garden would get better sun.    we ended up hauling branches and logs and hefting them over the barbed-wire fence while Carlos worked the chainsaw again.    the we raked up dead leaves and debris from part of the garden and it looked so nice and tidy ... then it was time for lunch.

i took a few pictures around the ranch again ...

love these, they remind me of Hawaii

after lunch the 'group' arrived.    lots of 18, 19, and 20 yr olds ... 16 to be exact; 13 girls and 3 boys.    most of them have been together for 3 weeks, so are pretty close.     we were divided into 2 groups.   Group A was supposed to assist in "Hippo-Therapy" working with children on horses; but they didn't show up.    i'll tell more about this when i find out myself, hopefully on Friday.   

Geovanny asked me work in the Nursery, watering the endemic plants that are in small black bags.    i enjoyed the solitude and quiet.   at about 4pm we were finished and we all piled into taxis and headed to Porto; where we had a short tour.

Kate and i checked out a new internet cafe ... i'm very pleased to report that it's MUCH faster (so far) than the restaurant WiFi.    i really like those people at Mockingbird and will go back there to eat; but i think i've found a new home for my internet needs.

After a couple of hours there, we got some groceries, and stopped and got dinner from the 'ladies on the street'  ... it seems these are always the best and economical places to eat.    she served up a 1/2 chicken or 3 pieces of pork, rice and beans (of course), for $7.    certainly not as cheap as Central America, but .... i am in the Galapagos.     we took it home to eat.

when we walked in the house, it was very noisy and boisterous.   this is our kitchen table.... Kate and i are in the corner where this pic was taken from .  
i'm going to really have to work at surviving this many people in such close quarters.   Quiet time begins at 10pm ... i'll be waiting for 10pm every night.   there will be no sleeping until then.    i'll be camping out in my bedroom with earplugs in the meantime.

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