Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sat, 26 Jan - Part 3

Snorkel Part 3 - Mangelsito Beach

this is a really pretty beach.   when i was here last time, the tide was out, and it was dramatic, with the white sand and the black volcanic rocks.    today is was high tide, still really pretty, but not as dramatic ...

that is Kicker Rock on the right of the photo

when i got on shore, one of our guides and another girl and i took off exploring.    we walked through the dry land

unfortunately he didn't speak English :(   ....... but he did point out a Short-Eared Owl.    this Owl hunts during the day as well as night ...

then we found our way around to the other beach .....

and saw these tracks from a Marine Iguana.   you can see where the tail dragged and the huge claws dug in ...

there are 7 endemic species of Lava Lizard.   the males are larger with a distinct pattern and  the females are prettier :)   .... some with red around their head or neck.    Most of them are around 6 inches, with one species reaching a foot.    this one was about 8 inches.   when threatened or during courtship, the males do a series of 'push-ups'.  the frequency and depth of the 'push-up' is like a Morse Code and only understood by those of the same species.    Most all predators prey on the poor Lava Lizards  :(

i have been incredibly impressed by the LACK of trash on the beaches here ... i finally saw this plastic oil bottle today ... the first piece of trash i've seen ...    i'm wondering if it has something to do with the way the currents move.   i'll be interested to see if the other islands are the same.

after an hour,  we boarded the catamaran and headed for home ... several of us decided to stop somewhere for a cocktail .... this town, Porto, is the 'Capital' of ALL of the Galapagos Islands .... but there was no one on the streets, and most of the stores were closed ... it was 4pm on a Saturday !!!!   ....   we could not find a bar or a restaurant that served drinks!    ....strange ... we finally ended up at Mockingbird, then internet, then home.

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