Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Slow Day - Sat, 19 Jan

Sat, 19 Jan

slept til 8am.  Andy decided to leave and spend the night in Porto so he could catch the 7am ferry to Santa Cruz, and spend a few days touring the other islands before he has to head back to work.   Good call, i think i'll do the same when i leave.  

i moved into his corner room, that has an extra window, and only 2 beds.    :)

so that left just me here.   time to work on my blog, visit a little with Geovanny, and observe the purchase, capture, and transport of one of the bulls to a local rancher.  

we have the best bulls and cattle on all the islands through artificial insemination with sperm from special bulls as far away as France.   Geovanny sells some bulls at a huge discount to the locals to improve their production of meat and milk.   he has built an incredible reputation here and the volunteer organization has won many honors based on results; including the Global Youth Travel Award for the most Outstanding Volunteer Project Award for 2012.   that is quite an honor!    i am proud to be here to do what i can to help this worthwhile organization. 

i also got to meet San Cristobal's 'Lonesome George' .... his name is George and he is always alone .... a real Galapagos cowboy

a few photos from around the ranch .... some kind of cactus flower

these are the blossoms of the endemic bushes that we planted a few days ago

girls bathroom

at this time of year, you can't see a sunset in Porto.   but Andy told me that i could actually catch a sunset if i hiked up the hill from the ranch.   he was right ...

tomorrow another volunteer arrives to share my room.   on Tues ... 20 students arrive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tonight ... i am totally alone up here   :~

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