Monday, January 28, 2013

Sat, 26 Jan

Snorkel Part 1 - Los Lobos

Up and in the taxi at 8am, arrived at Dive Shop where we were given our gear.    i decided to use their wet suit and fins this time.    when i use my own, i'm left with a soggy dripping  wetsuit and booties to take back with me and really no where to put them .... and i wanted to try out a 'shorty' wetsuit (one with short sleeves and legs only to the knees) and no booties, to see if i would be cold.    when i signed up yesterday, i asked if we were going to get a big boat this time, since we were such a big group.   he said that we would get the catamaran!    YEAH!!!!     this was MUCH better, lots of room to put 'stuff' and to sit and walk around.

we headed out to Los Lobos, the island with the Sea Lions, that you cannot set foot on.   i was one of the first ones in the water and saw these  Blue Striped Snappers swimming with a Female Streamer HogFish ...

then a cute little Panamic Sergeant Major ...

and a NEW fish, i love seeing new fish ..... a Spinster Wrasse .... it was really pretty

i was hoping to get more photos of those playful Sea Lions ... but there were only large Bulls in the water and they just laid in the water and didn't want to play .... only saw this one ....

so i continued on ... and spotted a Marine Iguana on the rocks up ahead .... if i could only get close enough and get some photos of him ...    SUCCESS .... maybe since i was in the water, he didn't feel threatened, and never moved ....    Marine Iguanas are the only Iguanas that actually swim, and they feed on algae in the sea.   again, brought to you only by The Galapagos Islands   :)

i saw a larger one up ahead, but on the way, i saw this BalloonFish hiding in between the rocks ...they are so sweet looking with their huge blue-green eyes ...

then he came out to see me and gave a big smile for the camera ...
then i slowly eased my way to the big guy. when they are all colorful like this they are looking for a mate ...

and this guy was basking right on the water's edge ..

in between shots, i noticed this very small, maybe 2" fish ... i still cannot get a positive identification of it; i'm guessing either a Clinid or a Rainbow ScorpionFish.    at some point i'll find someone who can help me on this one.    i love finding these really tiny fishes that blend in so well with their environment that you won't see them if you aren't looking carefully.   it had very large dorsel fins out to the side, like it was getting ready to take flight ...

tucked in between rocks on the sandy bottom i found this Sea Cucumber.    Our guide helped me identify it ... but i've forgotten it's name and it's not in my book  :(     all i can find on line is 'isostichopus fuscus'.     Sea Cucumbers, although sometimes rather gross looking, act as ocean filters, helping to purify the seawater, ensuring a healthy aquatic ecosystem.   Unfortunately, they are being harvested illegally here for trade to Asian countries   :(       ...two Pencil Sea Urchins in the foreground...

then i look up and see that everyone is on the boat and the Guide is motioning for me to come on ..... then i spotted this Green Sea Turtle ....    i had to take a few photos !

i was especially impressed with how large it's back legs are, considering they mostly use them as rudders, and use their front legs for power.

back in the boat and on to Kicker Rock ...

1 comment:

  1. Wow what great photos, and how cool to see the tortoises! They beat nasty children any day :)
