Sunday, January 27, 2013

Thurs, 24 Jan

It's My Week Anniversary Here

Rain last night and drizzle all morning.   we got up a hour early to make dough for pizza.    Kate and i were the first ones in the kitchen  :)    ....but not for long  :(    Carlos and Geovanny started the fire in the wood burning oven.

Short on time, i had peanut butter and jelly for breakfast, complete with tiny bananas.    when the locals discovered these sweet little bananas they named them 'Ore-itos'  ... 'ore' meaning gold, ...and 'ito' meaning small.   aren't they cute?

Every morning we meet at 8am to find out what we are going to be doing for the day; then we have 10min to make sure we have everything we need, and we're off, and if you're not ready, you're left behind.   this is the group waiting for our instructions.

the drizzle didn't stop us.    half the group (me) headed out past the chicken coup and milking station; and started digging holes to plant some native grasses that will hopefully form a thick enough cover on the ground to prevent invasive species seeds from sprouting.   the other half of the group dug up the grasses from a nearby field.  we worked all morning on this task, and planted a lot of grass plants.   we got a short break to eat an orange, which really tasted good.   we were all pretty wet and muddy by the time we finished.    the thought of homemade pizza for lunch kept us working hard.

the kitchen was a 'mad-house' again, Kate and i decided to wait until the second 'wave'.   it was great fun.   we had gone to the market last night and bought mozzarella cheese (expensive), ham, sausage, garlic, mushrooms (canned); then from our own garden we got basil, oregano, zuchinni.

Geovanny put our pizza in the oven, and 5 min later ....

it was so good ...  and we have leftovers   :)

Before the afternoon activities, i washed my pants and jacket, which were pretty muddy.    this is our 'laundry mat'

After lunch we hauled volcanic rock to fill in around the horse/cattle water tank, where it's so wet and mucky that the poor cattle have been sinking in up to their 'elbows' .... if cows have elbows  :)    it's very nice now ...

A group went into town, but i elected to stay behind, where it was relatively quiet ...

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