Tuesday, January 21, 2014

16 Jan, Thurs

today  ... i spent the entire day in the toilet !!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, it's not what you think :)
i began my project of making the toilets more 'interesting'.    i plan to paint 'fish/island themes' on the doors.    i finished this one today.

we have had a few new people show up to rent a bed in the cabana, or put their tent up.  These were not 'volunteers' ... not everyone that stays here is a volunteer.  Madi could have 'sold' 2 more beds if she would have had them ... it will be great when the new dorm room is finished and can start generating some income ..... income to buy food for the kitties !

we ate at the Enjoy Bar tonight ... good food and they give you a lot ... you get a seafood kabob with every meal, plus fresh fruit for dessert.    there was a cute kitty hanging around after we were finished ... Andrew shared the remains of his Snapper with the kitty  :)

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