Tuesday, January 28, 2014

25 Jan, Sat

it was nice enough today to put another coat of Masonary Sealer on the concrete walls of the shower.     i also decided i might as well put some sealer on the floor too.    no tellin' when it might get tiled.

i think i'll start a 'sign' business.   made more signs today with some 'things you can do to help us'  ....   more recycling stuff ... turn off the lights and fans ... take short showers  ...  close the gate  ...  no outside guests .....     i took them to a shop and had them laminated, and posted them in the rooms.     this shouldn't have taken the rest of the day ... but it did  :)

on our way to dinner, we passed this bucket of lobsters at one of the restaurants ...

believe it or not, i have not had a 'whole lobster' dinner yet .... soon ... very soon  !

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