Sunday, January 26, 2014

24 Jan, Fri

woke up to torrential downpour .... then it quit and the sun just barely peeked through. but that was it for the sun today.   it rained on and off, hard, all day long.    i walked to the store twice for Madi today.   it took me twice as long because i had to zig-zag my route through the huge puddles in the road

this is the road in front of Madi's .....

it was too wet to put another coat of sealer on the shower walls, and too wet to start on the shower doors, so
i finished the other panel in the door in the toilets this afternoon.

i learned today that some people are coming tomorrow, and will be in the Pink Cabana ... so i'll return to Madi and her Mom's again.   the saddest part of this, is that little Dulce will have to go back in his cage in the cattery   :(      .... so  i spent some time in the room with him again.   he wasn't the wild crazy kitten this time; he seemed to be a little tired, and happy to just hang out with me ...

does anyone know of someone who would give him a good home ... he is so sweet !

i think he's going to be a big kitty ... look at the size of his paw ......  !

and taking naps too !!!!!!!

Andrew, Jim and i went to a Lebanese restaurant for dinner tonight ... i had Flaval, it was pretty good, considering there wasn't any meat in it   :)

they hung out in my room for awhile, playing with Dulce.

 ....then we went out and sat on the dock with Gavin and Judy.    another great group of people i have had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with.    this is one of the best part about my traveling!

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