Tuesday, January 21, 2014

19 Jan, Sun

today was one of those days that i didn't do anything i planned on doing.   i actually started preparing to painting the other set of doors.   then Madi remembered that we had to move out of our little pink cabana because renters were coming tomorrow.    this is the little pink cabana

it sat about 3 blocks away and she had it moved, down the streets, to here  !     i would have loved to see that going down the street .... amazing !

so the day was spent moving myself, Madi and her Mom into the Garden Room.   This is the room that i always used to say in.   it is now Madi's mom's permanent home ... with Madi and i sharing it until the other rooms open up.   All of Madi and her Mom's belongings are in this one room!   ... along with Madi's 3 'personal' cats ....  and me  ... one big happy family !

it was another strange-weather-day ... cloudy, rainy, some sun and hot, then cloudy and a downpour at the end of the day.   at which point i remembered that i had hung my pants on the line to dry .... :(

Jess and I grabbed a quick bite at a little Mexican food place tonight, then headed to the Sport Bar to watch 'American' football.   the bar was packed !
and, once again, i was temporarily stunned when someone asked if we were 'Mother Daughter'  ...... and i thought we looked more like sisters !   :(     Jess is very natural and pretty, so i told him i was flattered and thanked him  :)

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