Tuesday, January 28, 2014

26 Jan, Sun

Madi went into Belize City yesterday and bought some Oil Based Wood Primer for 3 outside doors that need to be protected from the sun, rain, and wind.   I started painting the doors today.    i do not enjoy this kind of painting.      Oil-Based paint is smelly and messy .. well, i am a messy painter .... 

it was a painting day all-around.   the top scaffolding, comes down tomorrow, and moves to the other side of the house.   but this side of the house needed to have the new siding painted ... before it is taken down ... so today was the day.

a very nice couple, Dana and Jaman are camping here.   they are from NCarolina and are traveling ... no end date, just traveling... how i envy them!    they are not volunteers, but said they would like to help out doing something ... so we put them to work ...

meanwhile, i painted both sides of the shower door, the door frame, and one side of a door upstairs.   also finished the last coat of paint on the shower floor.

it was hot, sticky, and i had had enough oil paint fumes ... and ... it WAS Sunday ...  i took a shower and washed my hair and took off for The Split ... for the first time this year!    when i got there, i saw that Happy Hour started at 4pm ... it was 3:50; ...and  i realized i had left my camera sitting outside and it looked like it could rain.    i walked back and got my camera.   on my way i ran into Lukas and Andrew and told them about Happy Hour.   when we got to the bar at The Split ... the Happy Hour sign was gone ... they decided they wouldn't have a Happy Hour today  :(     .... i argued, but it did no good.   i ordered a rum and coke anyway, and i think he poured me a double  :)    we found Gavin and Judy (the couple who have been working on the renovation since Nov)  on a new pier that's been added since i was here last time.    i look pretty happy to be here  :)

it was a fun time ... finally !  ...... this is Lukas (from Germany) and Andrew (from Seattle) ...

although it was cloudy and threatened rain all day, the sun came out just before it set over the sea .... and it was brilliant !

we left and found another Happy Hour place that really had a Happy Hour;  and then Andrew and i went to the Enjoy Restaurant/Bar ... and we had our first whole lobster dinner .... it was AWESOME !     The Caribbean Reef Lobster here is so far superior to our Maine Lobster ... in my opinion  ... maybe it's the island atmosphere, but whatever the reason .... it sure is wonderful !

after dinner, we returned home and found Jim on the dock for just one more, before we ended a productive and fun Sunday !

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