Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fri, 15 Mar

A New Snorkel Spot - Not

the group from Germany that i've made friends with, signed up for a tour today of the Lava Tunnels.   i asked them if they minded if i tagged along; so i didn't have to go on a tour by myself .... i checked yesterday, but there wasn't room on the boat........  :(

i packed my snorkel stuff in the morning and walked to the tour shop in case someone cancelled, but no one did ....

so, what to do today....i had seen a posting on line from a person who had a 'secret' snorkel place here on Isabela.   it was complete with a Google Earth photo.    i looked for it the other day on my bike ride, but really wasn't focused on it.    this morning i rented a bike again and was determined to find it.

i spent some time out on the rocky shore trying to see if i could see the 'bay' she was talking about .... 

there were some interesting trees out there ....

this is where some of the lava tunnels come out into the sea ....

it's been pretty rough all the time i've been here.   it was low tide, so they were really crashing into the rocks .... then the water would drain off the rocks ....

waiting for the next explosion ....

i walked and walked and finally saw a quiet bay i think was the place.   got back on my bike and rode just a short distance and found it ....

there were some Blue Footed Boobies sitting out in the middle of the bay ...

the snorkeling was under-whelming ... seeing the same 'usual suspects'  .... i did see one Sea Lion that ignored me .....  and a small turtle .... briefly  .....

ok, i can say i found it .... and tried it .... and don't need to go back again .... Perla is just as good or better and closer ...

i returned my bike after 4hrs, .... it was 1pm

tried to work on my blog the rest of the day, but it was very frustrating .... i'd almost get something done, and the WiFi would be gone, and it would all be lost .... 

it rained quite a bit in the late afternoon, so no sunset again

still frustrated at the WiFi, i gave up around 7pm and went to see what i could find to eat .... i found a pizza place and had a surprisingly good pizza    :)   

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