Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mon, 11 Mar

Snorkeling at High Tide

i worked on photos and blog until about 11, then went upstairs to get ready to snorkel at Concha y Perla again.     a new group arrived this morning, and i started visiting with them ..... i left for snorkeling around 1pm ...

here is a photo of the boardwalk through the Mangroves on the way to the snorkel area .... i noticed there was a lot of water in the Mangroves today ....

i talked to a guy who said, 'you're late' .... i saw him in the water when we were watching the Marine Iguana the other day.   he'd been there since 10am and said he saw turtles, and rays, etc ..... hope they are still there ....

but he was right, i was late, ..... i looked at the little bay area, which should be very calm, ....and it was really rough .... the tide was coming in fast, and it was already so high that the reef out front was no longer visible,  ... this means that it's like snorkeling out in the open sea ... since there is no barrier to slow and calm the waters   :(

note to self:   check the Tide Chart before snorkeling ....

i got in anyway and saw this large Marble StingRay right away ....

it was rough snorkeling, the curent was strong, making it difficult to go where you wanted to go, .... and the waves were choppy ....

i'm back at the mind-set of ...... 'i hope i see a turtle!' ... instead of 'oh, another turtle' .....  it's been so long since i've snorkeled with them, ..... that it is exciting all over again!    :)    .... so i was happy to see this guy ....

he was busy eating and didn't mind my tagging along for awhile ....

i also saw a Tiger Snake Eel, but since it was so rough, i couldn't get a good photo of ALL of him  ... but he was a big one ....

a couple of Panamic Cushion Stars .... but not the orange one i was looking for ....

i saw another, or the same, turtle 2 more times ....

and this is the largest SuperMale Rainbow Wrasse i've seen so far ....

when i got out of the water, other people were arriving and wondering if they wanted to go in or not .... if they were new to snorkeling, i advised they try tomorrow .... no sense having a bad first experience ... back down the boardwalk and home ....

aftering cleaning up, i looked out my window at the lagoon and saw a lone flamingo ... grabbed my camera and walked down there ... i still wasn't very close ....

but at least the 'setting' is a little more pleasing .... although i don't think the Flamingos care, as long as there is food there ....

at 5pm i walked across the street to the Happy Hour Bar ... there weren't too many people there yet, but i ordered a PassionFruit Daquiri ... 2 for $6 .... they have it set up nice there and always have a bonfire ... there were a few people playing volleyball ....

i watched the sun set .... behind the clouds.......

it's always setting behind the clouds ... probably because there will usually be clouds over the volcanos in the West ...

every night i've watched the sunset from a different spot ....

i found a new grocery store that had Doritos ... came home and fixed guacamole for dinner   :)

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