Monday, March 11, 2013

Sun, 10 Mar

Short Snorkel

there is a small volcanic rock reef in front of the beach across the street from me.    i saw it this morning as i was eating; and realized the seas was pretty calm and the tide was out.    the reef was easily visible ... and actually 'attainable' .......

i'll just snorkel out there and see who's living there ... it's not THAT far .... so i put on the LavaCore hooded insulated top that i bought to keep me warm snorkeling in the Galapagos, (because i heard the waters were so cold here .... but to date, i haven't had it out of my suitcase ) ... and my neoprene shorts, which i haven't worn either. least i'll be warm   :) was before 8am ....

when i got to the water's edge, it looked further than it looked from up on the 3rd floor.    but i've snorkeled further, so in i went ....

the waves weren't as big as they had been, ...but there were still waves .... but i made it out there with no problems, checked back at the shore periodically to make sure i wasn't drifting.     there is a little hotel with 2 bright red peaked roofs that are great 'markers' .... me, in the water, looking at the shore with a morning sky ....

there wasn't anything out there that i haven't already seen .... as i looked over a ledge, i came face to face with a Spottted Porcupine Fish, but i wasn't ready with my camera, and only got this shot of him swimming away ....

i snorkled a bit and then called it quits ... i think that was the shortest snorkel of my life  ....

after cleaning up, the rest of the day was spent on line, taking my siesta, and walking to the store ... i walked in one market and could smell the fresh Cilantro (which they call Coriander here, and everywhere else in the world ... why do we only call the seeds Coriander, but the leaves Cilantro ? )    ...i had to buy some, then an avocado, etc. ....

at 5:00 i decided i would watch the sunset at the bar across the street that has Happy Hour and usually is packed.    there was no one there .... i've been here 2 months and just found out that they don't sell/serve alcohol on Sundays in Ecuador.    i'm obviously not doing enough drinking and partying  :(

so i walked down the beach to watch the sunset ....

i also watched the Marine Iguanas digging holes in the area designated for them to make their nests (can they read?) ..... and took a video of two of them fighting ....

and saw this poor guy with most of his tail missing .... now that i know how important their tail is to their swimming, i wondered how he manages.     it will grow back, but will take some time.    he may have to do his algae-eating on the rocks close to shore ....

there was a man walking with his small son, inside the wired-off area, that was clearly designated as Marine Iguana Nesting Area .... he had to crawl under the wire to get in there !!!!!!!!    ..... WTF ....  i caught his eye and motioned for him to get out of there !     .... i have to 'police' everywhere i go  :)    .....

sometimes the best skies are AFTER the sun sets ...

i stopped at a restaurant that was offering one thing on the menu tonight since it was Sunday ..... fish in mushroom sauce, rice, fresh veggies, and a drink ... $8   .... it was a lot of fish and very good.

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