Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Turtle Nests & Sunsets - Mon, 18 Mar

SunSets are Back

walked the beach this morning to see, in the daylight, where the turtle laid her eggs.     her path from the sea up the incline ....

the diggin in the grass and roots ...

back down the incline, following the bank of sand ...

to her nest .... which we covered with sticks last night in an attempt to disguise it and to prevent people, bikes, and horses from trampling it ....

as i walked back down the beach towards home ... the Blue Footed and Nazca (Masked) Boobies were dive bombing the water, feeding ....   i was entertained as i watched and attempted video for an hour or so ...

Blue Footed Boobies can dive deeper than 60' and for longer than 30 seconds, but it's usually around 12' and 6 seconds.    then they literally 'pop out of the water', once on the surface they quickly fly off again.  Females can dive deeper and longer than males, .... hummmmmmmmmm .... have i seen that slogan on a t-shirt before ?

fixed a brunch and worked on the internet  ... i need to decide when i'm leaving here ... i want to see the Magnificent Frigit Birds with the huge red inflated throat this time of the year.   the island of N Seymour, is famous for them, but it is not included on my Cruise.   ...possibly i'll see them at another location? ... but i can't verify that so far.   i would have to go back to Santa Cruz a few days early if i want to take that Day Trip, but, i don't want to go to Santa Cruz and be stuck there for a couple of days if i can't get a Tour ... and i've not been successful trying to find an agency on line that can help me   :(  

at 3pm i grabbed my audio book and sat in the shade at the beach .... you cannot do this in Santa Cruz ... there is no easily accessible peaceful beach on Santa Cruz for relaxing and relief from the heat   :(, i'm right across the street from the sea  :)   ... a good reason for staying here as long as i can ....

at 5:30, it was sunset time ... finally ... after 5 days ...

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