Monday, March 18, 2013

Sat, 16 Mar

Lazy Day

WiFi all morning ....
before the group of tourists staying here left the hotel, one of the guys told me that around 10:30 last night they saw a turtle laying eggs ... just 5 hotels towards town ... that's in a pretty well-traveled well-lit area ...  he showed me the spot ...  i was surprised she was laying so early in the evening too ....i decided maybe i'll have to start walking the beaches at night.  

today is the last day of the Isabela celebration, so we had a parade of sorts and some presentations ...

i went to the beach to cool off with a swim, ....

and then lay in the shade of this tree ....

and listened to my audio book ... Wild, the story of one woman's journey on the Pacific Crest Trail ... interesting and entertaining so far .. and a reminder as to why i never did, nor will, want to do that  :)

as i walked back through town, the people were gathered for a young boy's bicycle race several times around the town square ...    and a few hours later ... horse races through town as well ...  from my balcony ....

they went by 3 or 4 times ...

it was kinda cool ......clomp clomp clomp on the sand streets ....

i've kept in email contact with Scott from CA, who i went snorkeling with my second day here.   he went to San Cristobal and met Diana from NJ, who is now here on Isabela.     i was hoping to do a Tour with her, but she already did the tour today ... and is leaving tomorrow   :(  

so i signed myself up to do the Tunnels Tour tomorrow morning ...    this Tour takes you snorkeling through some Lava Tunnels ... but better yet, i've heard from 4 people that saw huge schools of Manta Rays ... jumping out of the water, on the way there, ....and they even got to get in the water and snorkel with them .... now THAT sounds like fun and well worth the $60 !

i finally caught up with Diana this evening, too bad she is leaving, ... she is a traveler, and makes me look like a wimp!    but we met for Happy Hour, a $4 dinner, and then walked down to the 'big party' and live Salsa band.   it was after 10pm and the band hadn't started yet, and few people were there.   i knew i wasn't going to stay out all night and she had to get up at 4am to catch her ferry.    so, we walked the beach a bit and she went back to her room.   i continued to walk the beach, looking for turtles who might be laying their eggs.    no luck.

back in my room, i realized i wasn't going to miss the live band after all ... i could hear it, like it was right outside my window .... thank God for the air conditioner ...

boom, boom, boom, .... all night long .... the 'music', noise,  quit at 6am the next morning   :(

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