Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sun, 3 Mar - Part 1

Diving at North Seymour

prepared for my dives today, arrived at 7am  ... the Dive Shop is just 2 doors down from my room  :),  .....   they loaded all the equipment on the taxis and we headed to the North side of the island, where the Airport is .... and... where the boat is docked ...

as we were waiting for the boat to be loaded, i noticed a LOT of Blue Footed Boobies flying overhead.....  i should have grabbed my camera ..... sometimes you are just in the right place at the right time ... but unprepared  ... this was one of those times ...

all of a sudden, they all fly directly over our heads, and simultaneously plunged into the tiny bay we were standing in front of .... there were at least 200 of them .... all at once ... like arrows piercing the water .....  twchew twchew twchew  ......  they grabbed their food, surfaced, and took flight .......  this was all i got ...
there are about 100 of them here ... and half of them had already taken off ....

we all stood there with our mouth's open .....  WoW !

we're headed to North Seymour    ....these dives are supposed to be 'gentler' than yesterday ....Gordon Rocks is probably the most difficult dive site  (in this area) ....  this looks one pretty calm ... at least on the surface  :)

right off, Jaime pointed out this tiny blue thing .... which i later identified as a Blue Stripped Sea Slug ...  tiny,..... like less than an inch ....   it was a pretty bright blue ....

then i kept seeing them everywhere on the rocks ......   along with this  one .... a Roboastra Nudibranch ....which sucks up the poor little Blue Stripped Sea Slug like a vacuum cleaner .... in fact, it looks like he has one in his mouth in this photo ......   :(    ...
look at the 'crown' he carries around with him  ....

then we saw Cushion Sea Stars, and more Cushion Sea Stars, and more Cushion Sea Stars ..... i could make a whole book of photos of them !!!!!!!!!!!   ....

Jaime pointed out this Moray Eel ....

and another Stone ScorpionFish  ....

this was a tiny little fish .... called a Barred Serrano ... not the most exciting fish in the sea, but nice markings, and he's in my book :) ....

then more 'fields' of Cushion Sea Stars ....

this photo shows their intricate designs ...

i don't know how i could have missed it, but i would have if Jaime hadn't pointed to it .... this BRIGHT yellow fish ....   it's the Golden Phase of the GuineaFowl Puffer Fish .... one of the highlights of the day  .....    isn't he awesome !!!!!!!   ...

i bought the Galapagos Reef Fish ID book and brought it with me .... i looked at all the photos before i left home, and this is one of the fishes i was hoping to see while i was here .....  YEAH  ...

this Blue Striped Sea Star was so pretty .... the colors are vibrant ....

and then .... the Mobula Rays came sailing by .....
now ..... these are not in my book .... they look like small Manta Rays.    &nbsp .....
but Jaime said that Mantas have cartlidge ... and these have 'horns'  ....

it looks like there is some type of 'metal' sticking out ... reminds me of something from Star Wars ....

this was a bonus day .... we were also visited by a herd of Golden CowRays ....these were taken from above ..... i was below them ..

whew !     .... we got out of the water and took our required break ....

next up, Part 2 .... our second dive ....

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