Saturday, March 23, 2013

Yolita II Cruise - Sun, 24 Mar - Part 1

Bon Voyage

i leave today on a 16 passenger yacht called Yolita II ... for 8 days ....   :)
there is no WiFi on board, so you won't be hearing from me for awhile ... or maybe i'll just 'sail into the sunset'  :)

i found this photo online ... they told me it was a First Class boat .. but this clearly states 'good mid-range'  .... hummmmmmmmmm  ....

i signed up for this Cruise with some hesitation.   8 days is the most time i've ever spent on a boat (pardon me ... Yacht)  .. by 5 days .... and ... it seems like a long time to be with 15 other 'tourists' .... what if i don't like any of them  :) least i don't think they will be 18-19yr olds  :(

we will be snorkeling and/or doing walking tours every day, and sailing to our next destination at night; so it really isn't 8 days on a boat.

I've loaded another map on my blog site showing the destinations.   if you click on the 'ship icon' you should get the date, name of location, and a short description that i found in some literature.    whether it's true, or if i'll actually see what they say, ... well ... you'll just have to wait for my blog when i get back .... and don't hold your breath.   i can't imagine how long it will take me to upload the photos from 8 days of multi-activities.

Please excuse the lines on the Google map ... that program does not work very well  ...more frustration    :( should be interactive ... zoom in, out, etc.

Here is the 'interactive' map ... if you zoom in, you will be able to locate the starting point, Baltra, which is just north of Santa Cruz Island ...

View Galapagos Cruise 2013 in a larger map

Here is the itinerary:
24 Mar    leave from Baltra Island - visit Las Bachas Beach
25 Mar    Genovesea Island  - Darwin Bay & El Barranco
26 Mar    Bartolome Island - Sullivan Bay
27 Mar    Isabela Island - Sierra Negro & Chico Volvanos &
        Wall of Tears .. both Land Tours
28 Mar    Elizabeth Bay & Urbina Bay
29 Mar    Tagus Cove & Espinoza Point
30 Mar    Espumilla Beach & Bucannero & Rabida
31 Mar    Daphne Island & Mosquera Beach
        return to Baltra Island

then i leave here on 2 April .... will be a very long day to get home ...
we better not have snow or ice or rain .... only warmth and sunshine   :)

thanks for all your support !
hugs to you all

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