Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tues, 19 Mar

Another Snorkel Day ... an Octopus ?

i'm all alone here again ... everyone else has checked out ... but i hear another group is arriving soon ...

the plan was to get up early and go snorkeling .... the plan was delayed slightly; but i was in the water before 10am .... and the tide was higher than i thought it would be ... i had no trouble getting through the rocks ...

and saw one of my favorite Cushion Sea Stars again ....

and my Balloon Fish friend...

i snorkled over to a shallow area with lots of rock ... today i am looking for an Octopus, someone said they saw one somewhere at this snorkel site.

there were lots and lots of these tiny tiny 1/2" Panamic Sergeant Majors ... no mistaking them, they look just like the adults.    in some species the juveniles bear almost no resemblance to the adults....

it was pretty there, peaceful, quiet, warm, and soothing ....

the way the sun was shining through the water, .... the sandy bottom look like someone laid a stone patio ....

'i'm search the rocks for an Octopus', i kept telling myself; ... but not really knowing what i'm looking for.   i've only seen 1 Octopus in my life, and that was VERY briefly in Roatan a couple of years ago.    it was reddish-brown and about 18" wide and spread out over a piece of coral ... before it's entire body kind of 'melted' off the rock, ... and disappeared inside a crack in the coral no bigger than a tennis ball ...

i see a fish i'm going to take a photo of, when i saw something, ... a blob, right next to it.     the first thing i thought was it looked like a fat Frog ... and no bigger than that either  ...  i know it's terribly difficult to see in this photo:    the striped fish is on the left, then a rock, ... then a 'warty' blob ....

then it kind of flew and then 'slid' across the rocks ... and into a hole ...... i knew it wasn't a fish ... but an Octopus !    i saw one of it's arms, i've read they are not called tentacles :( ...... can you believe that??    ... i actually have 7seconds of video  :)   ...

here is a photo i took off the web, so you can understand what you are looking at in my photos, because they are so poor  :( ....   this is what it looked like, only darker ...

he never moved after that, he didn't go further in the hole, nor leave ..... his eyes were just sticking out looking at me ....

his body was very 'warty' .... if you click on this photo to enlarge it, you will be able to see it's eye .. half closed ... 

i took the first photo at 10:38 ... and finally gave up at 11:14 ... hoping i got at least one photo ....

  i did not   :(

i finally moved on and saw 2 males turtles laying on the sand at the bottom of the sea .... they were both laying with their front flippers 'spread eagle' ?   .....

this one looks like it hard a hard life, with lots of scars on it's fins ...

then i saw him swimming ... kind of a cool picture with a 'reverse' image ABOVE....

this one had some kind of parasite on it's eye ... i wanted to pull it off :( ...

i watched this female eating for a long time .... she was happy to not have to eat alone ... i know :) ...

and then another one ...

i may not be able to attract a Whale Shark or Manta Rays, ...... but the Turtles sure do love me   :)

this must be some kind of Sea Cucumber ????? but i'm not sure ...

another nice sunset tonight, from the 'Malecon' in 'town' ....

i thought i might walk the beach again tonight, but met a couple from Denmark and a guy from Germany and we ended up having a $4 dinner together.   btw, they all saw the Giant Mantas    :(

by the time i worked on my blog, i was too tired, and it probably was too late.

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